The boom in RNA research has made the need for quality RNA samples climb faster than the price of gasoline. Unfortunately, RNA isolation techniques haven’t matched that trend, forcing researchers to spend hours on laborious methods to get the amount and quality of RNA they’re looking for. So, not only is top-notch RNA in demand, scientists also want it on-demand.
That’s where the new Direct-zol™ RNA Miniprep kits come in. This little bundle of purifying greatness delivers higher RNA yields and quality so fast; it makes the old-school protocols look like dial up internet.
The Fastest Route to RNA, is the Direct-zol™ Route
Acid-guanidinium-phenol based techniques work fine, but they are slow and messy. So the crew at Zymo hacked out all the worst parts of the common phase separation & precipitation procedures, and replaced them with a spin column for the fastest route to pure, clean, DNA-free RNA. With Direct-zol™, you go straight from samples stored in TRI-Reagent (or something similar), to isolated total RNA with just a spin, wash and elution. No phase separation, no precipitation, and no phenol carryover…and the whole thing can be done in about 10 minutes.
Direct-zol™ Sweats the Small (RNA) Stuff
Yeah, it’s fast, but Direct-zol™ isn’t just a one-trick pony. It’s rock-solid performance routinely delivers higher total RNA yields with better quality scores than previous methods. Direct-zol™ even does a better job of capturing small RNA species, which is great news if you’re into miRNA profiling, or RNA-seq and want to make sure you’re not missing anything.
If you’re looking for top-quality RNA, and you want it fast (who doesn’t?), then head over to the Zymo Research website to find the right Direct-zol™ RNA Miniprep Kit configuration for you.