The new Bisulfite-Seq High Sensitivity Kit from the creative crew at Abcam, is a 2-in-1 package that weaves bisulfite conversion, and Illumina® sequencing library prep into the same process. This single kit can take you from sample DNA, to firing up a Bisulfite Sequencing (BS) run that same day.
There’s No Such Thing as Too Sensitive
The Bisulfite-Seq High Sensitivity Kit only needs a tiny bit (500 pg to 500 ng) of input DNA to generate big results. The optimized procedure bisulfite converts and fragments the DNA simultaneously, followed up by a rapid library construction, either non-barcoded (singleplexed) or barcoded (multiplexed), requiring just sub-nanogram amounts of the bisulfite converted DNA.
Fragment size distribution isn’t an issue with Abcam’s Bisulfite-Seq High Sensitivity Kit.
Bisulphite-seq Samples: Ready Before Dinner Time
The Abcam Bisulfite-Seq High Sensitivity Kit can have your genomic DNA samples bisulfite converted, and prepped for the sequencer in just a single workday (about 8hrs).
The resulting DNA library is now ready for whatever Illumina®-platform based application you can imagine, including:
- Whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS)
- Oxidative bisulfite sequencing (Ox-BS)
- Reduced representative bisulfite sequencing (RRBS)
- Various other bisulfite-next generation sequencing techniques
By melding bisulfite conversion and library prep into one box, the creative team at Abcam has now made DNA methylation analysis by bisulfite sequencing faster and easier than before.
Find out more about putting the Bisulfite-Seq High Sensitivity Kit (For Illumina® – ab185907) to work in your lab at the Abcam website.