Children Prenatally Exposed to Cannabis Have Altered DNA MethylationOctober 7, 2024As more states legalize and decriminalize cannabis, more questions are being raised about its effects, especially on pregnancy. Now, a clear-thinking team sees through the haze and shows that maternal cannabis use during pregnancy is associated with epigenome-wide differential DNA methylation in the blood of exposed children, especially in genes involved in neurodevelopment. Studies have shown […]
Epigenetic Two-factor Authentication Secures Male Fertility from the Insider Threat of TransposonsOctober 7, 2024Two-factor authentication represents a modern approach to securing our digital lives from outside threats; however, research now suggests that this concept may not be so modern. A new study now reveals that male germ cells employ a piRNA-mediated epigenetic “two-factor authentication” strategy to secure the precisely timed DNA methylation-induced silencing of insider threats that impact […]
Amyloids Could Solve the ‘Missing Heritability’ MysterySeptember 23, 2024Science is full of mysteries just waiting to be solved. One of these mysteries is the “missing heritability” problem—it turns out that some traits seem hereditary, yet cannot be traced back to nucleic acids or even known epigenetic modifications. Now, a talented team studying C. elegans has spotted protein clumps called amyloids that could be […]
Age-related Chromatin Remodeling: Loss of Epigenetic Info or the Hijacking of Maturation?July 22, 2024In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except Spain winning at football and age-related chromatin remodeling! While this remodeling was thought to drive aging via the loss of epigenetic information, new research provides evidence for the “hijacking” of developmental maturation via activator protein 1 (AP-1)-activity as a major player. Surefire researchers “captained” […]
DNA Methylation Differences in Imprinting Control Regions Contribute to Ethnic Disparities in Alzheimer’s Disease RiskMay 28, 2024Non-Hispanic Black (NHB) patients have a two-fold higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease than non-Hispanic White (NHW) patients for unknown reasons; now, a fascinating epigenetics study reveals the involvement of DNA methylation at imprinting control regions (ICRs). Researchers headed by Randy L. Jirtle and Cathrine Hoyo (North Carolina State University) explored ethnic variation in disease […]
A Selfish, Poisonous Element Could Set the Evolutionary Stage for Genomic ImprintingApril 15, 2024A selfish toddler might throw a tantrum to get their way, but in worms, a “selfish” piece of DNA known as a toxin-antidote (TA) element uses something more sinister—poison. Researchers have just discovered a parent-of-origin effect with this nematode element that could be an evolutionary precursor of genomic imprinting. Led by Alejandro Burga (Institute of Molecular […]
XIST’s X-istential Crisis: A New Role in Autosomal Gene RegulationJanuary 22, 2024The long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) XIST functions as an epigenetic silencer tightly linked to the X chromosome to balance gene expression between the sexes; however, this lncRNA now has a cause for concern as an autosomal gene regulatory function just pushed XIST into a full-blown “X-istential” crisis! Reports have described a dispersed XIST configuration in […]
The Brain Cell Census: A Deeper Epigenomic Understanding of the Mammalian MainframeNovember 13, 2023If you have epigenetics on the brain like us, concentrate your mammalian mainframe on the recently published marvels on the brain’s epigenome from the NIH’s Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative – Cell Census Network (BICCN). Recent work brought together under the guise of the Brain Cell Census now reports on the examination […]
An Evolutionary and Epigenetic Tour-de-force Links DNA Methylation and Mammalian AgingSeptember 11, 2023Have you climbed Mount Everest? Recorded a critically acclaimed album?? Written the great American novel??? These life-affirming feats of body and mind pale into insignificance when compared to the evolutionary and epigenetic tour-de-force reported in two recent papers based on mammalian DNA methylation datasets of colossal size and importance. An expeditionary force led by Steve […]
Racing to Identify Novel Imprinted Genes in the RatApril 17, 2023While some research develops at “a snail’s pace,” other projects “canter” along briskly; however, a recent study moved faster than a rat up a drainpipe, with a cross-country team leaving their mark on the “rat race” by successfully identifying novel imprinted genes and highlighting the rapid evolution of imprinting in this vital model animal. A […]