H3K4 Methylation Loss Makes RNAPII Pause for ThoughtMarch 27, 2023With mice with two dads, crystal clear images of dying stars, and the rise of ChatGPT being daily news items, does anything make you “pause for thought” these days? A stunning study from reflective researchers just might! They provide insight into an epigenetic enigma surrounding the transcriptional role of a histone modification by reporting how […]
DNA Methylation Editing Provides Evidence for Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance in MammalsFebruary 26, 2023While we have become familiar with the link between DNA methylation and disease, an exciting epigenetic editing study now reports how DNA methylation contributes to transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in mammals and influences disease-associated traits across generations! In their previous study, a talented team led by Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte at the Salk Institute for Biological […]
Multiplexed Epigenome Editing Rouses a “Sleeping Dog” to Treat a Neurodevelopmental DisorderFebruary 20, 2023“Let sleeping dogs lie” is sound advice for those who want to stay out of trouble! However, an eye-opening epigenome editing study now suggests that rousing the “sleeping” methyl CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene from the inactive X chromosome may represent a therapeutic opportunity for girls with Rett Syndrome – an X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder that […]
eBook: Epigenetics of AgingJanuary 16, 2023Aging and longevity research has moved to the forefront of epigenetics in recent years. From DNA Methylation, to the Exposome and “translational inheritance” we are all avidly interested in this topic. In this eBook we review recent and intriguing research into this topic. Table of Contents Novel Multiomic Epigenetic Clock May Decipher How Epigenetic Aging […]
eBook: Epigenetics & DNA MethylationNovember 21, 2022One of the longest-known and most studied epigenetic markers is DNA methylation, which can regulate gene expression and genomic organization in nearly all organisms. In eukaryotes, the primary modification of DNA is found in cytosines (C), where DNA Methyltransferases mediate the transfer of a methyl group to cytosines, converting them to 5-methylcytosine (5-mC), minor modifications […]
Multiomic Face-off Finds the Factors that Lead to Look-alikes!September 6, 2022Have you ever heard of someone bumping into their doppelgänger and wondered how the forces of biology conspired to make two unrelated people look alike? In a recent study, a few familiar faces took advantage of a photographer’s keen eye and a multiomic “face-off” to find those factors that lead two strangers to look alike! […]
The Human Imprintome Maps out the Epigenetic Roots of DiseaseAugust 20, 2022A well-illustrated map may have helped the Spanish easily locate El Dorado or David Livingstone pinpoint the source of the Nile; now, rugged researchers have delicately “sliced” through the jungle of the human genome to create a map of imprint control regions (ICRs) – creating the “imprintome” – to hasten our exploration of the epigenetic […]
Now In Print! – New Technologies Leave their Mark on Imprinting Control RegionsJune 19, 2022Genomic imprinting typically lets our parents leave their mark on our genomes; however, new technological advances are now allowing us to leave our mark on imprinting! The first of our epigenetic exposés that went into print reports on how multiple modalities uncovered complex epigenetic crosstalk that regulates allele-specific gene expression at potential imprinting control regions […]
eBook: Epigenomics of SpermJune 9, 2022Some of the most interesting and important epigenetic phenomena occur in sperm. In addition to passing genetic paternal information, experiences and exposures can be encoded in the epigenome and inherited as well. In this EpiGenie ebook, we present summaries of several studies on exploring the role of epigenetic processes in sperm biology. They are divided […]
The Long and the Short of It – Long DNMT3A1 Isoform Binds Bivalent Neurodevelopmental ChromatinMay 23, 2022Sometimes it’s best to get straight to the point, so let’s dive into this study of DNA methyltransferase 3a (DNMT3A) isoforms with variable lengths, which reveals a chromatin interaction domain that regulates bivalent gene expression and supports early postnatal survival in mice! Previous studies that didn’t beat around the bush described how postnatal development requires […]