The concept of ‘Acting Locally’ has struck a chord with many folks these days on topics ranging from groceries to government, which makes it easy to forget the last part of that meme: which is to also ‘Think Globally’. The R&D team from Zymo Research has kept that bigger picture in mind, and developed their 5-mC and Quest 5-hmC™ ELISAs to enable a quick and easy process to capture global DNA methylation snapshots of a genome.
5-mC and 5-hmC ELISAs that are Sensitive, But Not Pushovers
The Quest 5-hmC™ DNA and 5-mC DNA DNA ELISA Kits are both highly sensitive and specific, with finely tuned performance, but there’s no need to treat them like a temperamental Italian roadster. By employing top-shelf antibodies, Zymo has designed these workhorse ELISA kits to deliver in all sorts of experimental scenarios. In addition, the Control DNA Sets included with each kit have been set-up to determine the percentage of 5-mC or 5-hmC present within a DNA sample.
The Quest™ 5-hmC ELISA getting the job done.
Equal Opportunity ELISAs
Whatever your sample type, the Quest 5-hmC™ DNA and 5-mC DNA DNA ELISA kits can probably handle it. The Zymo Research ELISAs have been shown to get the job done with a dizzying array of input DNAs including genomic DNA from vertebrates, plants, and microbes, as well as modified PCR amplicons, enzyme-digested and mechanically sheared fragments. Factor in an optimized workflow, that only takes around 3 hours, and it’s easy to see that Quest 5-hmC™ DNA and 5-mC DNA DNA ELISA Kits are a great fit for those researchers who want to scale up into high-throughput screens or analysis of large sample sets.
For more details, check out the Quest 5-hmC™ DNA ELISA and 5-mC DNA DNA ELISA Kits at the Zymo Research website.