The Zymo-Spin™ ChIP Kit from Zymo Research provides a streamlined ChIP procedure for investigating protein-DNA interactions that have been “fixed” in their natural state and can be used to effectively identify binding sites for transcription factors, co-factors, and other DNA regulatory proteins. Features: Unique workflow features a micro-elution (≥6 µl) spin column for purification of […]
- Chromatin
Protein G Agarose Prepacked Columns
Don’t let some big corporation dictate your ChIP protocol! For researchers interested in streamlining their own workflow, Active Motif offers Protein G Agarose Columns. These are ready-to-use ChIP columns that contain the same high affinity protein G agarose beads included in the ChIP-IT® High Sensitivity Kit. The beads have been specifically engineered to eliminate non-specific […]
The combination of ChIP with genome-wide analysis using Next-Generation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) is a powerful approach that can provide insights into gene regulation by identifying global binding sites for proteins of interest. Active Motif’s ChIP-IT® ChIP-Seq Kit provides proven reagents, streamlined protocols and validation controls to give you confidence in successful ChIP-Seq using the Illumina®sequencing platforms. The […]
EZ Nucleosomal DNA Prep Kit
The EZ Nucleosomal DNA Prep Kit is a streamlined procedure for the isolation of nucleosome-associated DNA. The kit includes reagents/procedures for: cell nuclei isolation, intact nuclei enzymatic digestion, and nucleosomal DNA purification. This kit includes two different enzymes for nucleosomal DNA preparation: Atlantis dsDNase and micrococcal nuclease. Atlantis dsDNase is a double-strand DNA specific endonuclease […]
ChIP-IT® High Sensitivity
The ChIP-IT® High Sensitivity (HS) Kit is designed to give superior performance when using antibodies against low abundance transcription factors, antibodies with sub-optimal binding affinities or when starting with a limited number of cells. Higher signal and lower non-specific DNA pulldown is achieved through the incorporation of specialized protein G agarose beads and optimized fixation, […]