Product overview: MBD2 (methyl-CpG binding domain protein 2) belongs to a family of MBD domain containing proteins. This family of proteins associates with heterochromatin by their interaction with methylated DNA at CpG islands, and appear to ‘read’ and ‘translate’ the DNA methylation signal into transcriptional repression by recruiting silencing complexes and histone deacetylases among other proteins. MBD2 is the methyl-binding component of the MeCP1 complex, which allows MBD2 to target HDAC/chromatin remodeling activity to methylated templates.
Episeeker MBD2 ChIP Kit (ab113450) allows the user to investigate the binding of MBD2 to methylated DNA in vivo efficiently. The entire procedure can be completed within 5 hours and the eluted DNA obtained can be combined with further down-stream applications such as DNA sequencing, PCR (qualitative and quantitative), MS-PCR, and DNA microarray as well as southern blot.
View EpiSeeker MBD2 ChIP kit on Abcam’s website