The Agilent Mouse CpG Island microarray is a powerful analysis tools for genome-wide measurement of DNA methylation changes. Use the Mouse CpG Island array to gain insight into how DNA methylation may be correlated with several important processes in biological studies such as cancer, development, genomic imprinting, gene silencing, and chromatin stability. 16,030 CpG islands Enriched content sourced from UCSC mm8 (NCBI Build 36, February 2006) 97,652 probes in or within 95bp of CpG Islands Individual slide contents defined by Array Design ID 2 x 105K slide format printed using Agilent’s 60-mer SurePrint technology 1 slide per kit. Slide contains two 105K microarrays.
View Mouse CpG Island Microarray Kit, 105K on Agilent’s website- Mouse CpG Island Microarray Kit, 105K