The EZ RNA Methylation™ Kit features rapid and reliable bisulfite treatment and conversion of cytosines in RNA for methylation analysis. The kit streamlines the three-step process for complete conversion of cytosine in into uracil. RNA denaturation and bisulfite conversion processes are combined into a single step. No buffer preparation is necessary. The RNA Conversion Reagent […]
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Protein G Agarose Prepacked Columns
Don’t let some big corporation dictate your ChIP protocol! For researchers interested in streamlining their own workflow, Active Motif offers Protein G Agarose Columns. These are ready-to-use ChIP columns that contain the same high affinity protein G agarose beads included in the ChIP-IT® High Sensitivity Kit. The beads have been specifically engineered to eliminate non-specific […]
EpiSeeker 5-formylcytosine DNA Quantification Kit
EpiSeeker 5-formylcytosine DNA Quantification Kit (Colorimetric) is a complete set of optimized buffers and reagents to colorimetrically quantify 5-formylcytosine (5-fC) in a microplate-based format. It is suitable for use with DNA isolated from any species (mammals, plants, fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc.) in a variety of forms including, but not limited to, cultured cells, fresh and frozen […]
LightSwitch™ Promoter and 3´UTR Reporter Collections
The LightSwitch™ Luciferase Assay System includes over 30,000 regulatory elements from the human genome that have been cloned into LightSwitch reporter vectors. With over 18,000 human promoters and 12,000 3´UTRs available as transfection-ready LightSwitch luciferase reporter vectors, you can perform reporter assay experiments immediately. The LightSwitch System makes it easy for you to measure the […]
MethylEdge™ Bisulfite Conversion System
The MethylEdge™ Bisulfite Conversion System provides a rapid, efficient method to perform bisulfite conversion with minimal DNA fragmentation in less than two hours. The rapid protocol and complete conversion mean that you can produce completely converted DNA ready for your choice downstream assays with minimal preparation and hands-on time. Coupled with purification chemistries and flexible, robust amplification […]