- Up to 30 binding sites for the same transcription factor
- Modified histone binding at up to 30 different regions of the same promoter
In three DNA fractions:
- Input
- Non-Immune Serum / Mock Immunoprecipitation
- Transcription Factor- OR Modified Histone-Specific Immunoprecipitation
Along with two real-time PCR Controls:
- Negative Control ChIP-qPCR Primers
- Positive Control ChIP-qPCR Primers
All in one real-time PCR plate for a complete ChIP-qPCR experiment.
Because all Cataloged and Custom ChIP-qPCR Primers use the same qPCR run conditions, the ChIP-qPCR Arrays allow you to combine multiple cataloged, negative control, positive control, and/or custom ChIP-qPCR Primers in a 96- or 384-well plate format that is convenient for your specific experimental setup. We will dispense the requested ChIP-qPCR Primers into PCR plates in a suitable arrangement permitting the simultaneous analysis of multiple genomic DNA regions for multiple ChIP fractions in the same qPCR plate. Use the ChIP-qPCR Arrays to analyze all of the ChIP sites of interest and qPCR controls for a complete ChIP-qPCR analysis in one PCR run. Plate layouts are also flexible and can be structured to contain all ChIP fractions from a single sample or for several samples on a single plate.
Applications for Custom ChIP-qPCR Arrays:
ChIP-on-chip Validation:
Our Custom ChIP-qPCR Arrays are especially useful in the validation of ChIP-on-chip results from promoter, whole genome, or whole chromosome tiling microarray experiments. Simply provide us with the promoter regions or Chromosome RefSeq positions identified by your microarray results. We will then select or design ChIP-qPCR Primers to detect and validate ChIP enrichment at those positions and arrange them into the Custom ChIP-qPCR Arrays in an orderly fashion.
Routine ChIP-qPCR Analyses:
Include many replicate sets of primers to measure enrichment at a genomic DNA region of interest in all ChIP fractions (input DNA, non-immune, and nuclear factor of interest) side-by-side for multiple ChIP targets and/or in multiple biological conditions. Or include fewer replicates of the same controls to measure enrichment at multiple different genomic DNA regions of interest in the same ChIP experiment.