ChIP-IT Express Kits utilize magnetic protein G-coated beads, which improves on traditional ChIP by reducing or eliminating several time-consuming steps. The magnetic beads have much lower background than traditional agarose beads, so steps like pre-clearing and blocking are no longer necessary. Lower background also makes it possible to discern effects that are smaller in magnitude, and to work with fewer cells.
Washing is easier because the spin steps have been replaced by rapid magnetic pull-down. This dramatically reduces the amount of hands-on time during the assay, not only because each wash step is faster, but also because the number of wash steps required has dropped from 8 to just 3.
Other optimizations include a specialized Elution Buffer that eliminates the need for DNA purification after the ChIP is complete. This not only saves time, but it minimizes manipulations and eliminates DNA loss that occurs during purification, helping to ensure sample-to-sample consistency. Collectively, all of the improvements included in ChIP-IT Express give you the capability to perform your reactions in PCR tubes with a multi-channel pipettor, making high-throughput ChIP a reality. In fact, the ChIP-IT Express method has been used in the ChIP-IT Express HT Kit, the first kit designed to perform 96-well ChIP, and in the Re-ChIP-IT Kit, which makes possible sequential ChIP. Active Motif has also developed a unique enzymatic shearing method. For your convenience, all ChIP-IT and ChIP-IT Enzymatic Kits are available in your choice of sonication or enzymatic shearing formats and stand-alone shearing kits are also available.
View ChIP-IT™ Express Enzymatic on Active Motif’s website