Placental miRNAs Predict Infant BehaviorJuly 18, 2013Many parents consider their children’s behavior to be a bit of a mystery, (just ask anyone who has shared a plane ride with an unruly toddler) but new miRNA research hints that it may soon be possible to predict your child’s behavioral traits by a simple non-invasive test right after birth. A fortune telling team […]
EpiGenie Guide: RNA Immunoprecipitation (RIP) and BeyondJuly 10, 2013RNA binding proteins (RBPs) play important roles in many cellular and disease processes, together with their DNA binding brethren, they compromise almost one quarter of annotated human genes. The tools used to understand when and where these proteins bind and interact with RNAs in the cell have lagged behind those for protein-DNA interactions, although they […]
A Great Start to RNA-Seq: Zymo Research’s RNA Clean & Concentrator™-5July 1, 2013With every high-tech advance in the methods used for RNA analysis , the need for extremely pure RNA input samples becomes even more crucial. The RNA Clean & Concentrator™-5 (RCC™-5) Kit from Zymo Research packs high-performance into a fast and easy format that enables even the most demanding methods, including RNA-Seq. RNA Clean and Concentrator™-5 […]
The Darkside of Epigenetic PlasticityJune 26, 2013Sure, genes get mutated in cancers, but the epigenome gets messed-up too. In fact, two researchers argue in a recent review that a “dysregulated epigenome” that’s too plastic and flexible could itself lead to cancer. Andrew Feinberg and Winston Timp, both from the Center for Epigenetics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, wrote the […]
Webinar: Lighting up the Dark Matter of the Genome – Unravelling the Roles of Non-Coding DNA in Disease and DevelopmentJune 26, 2013Dr. Marcel Dinger, PhD discusses some of the most recent findings that shed light on non-coding RNAs in the genome. **this webinar is no longer available** Abstract Approximately 98% of the human genome comprises noncoding DNA, the function of which is largely unknown. Intriguingly, more than 85% of single nucleotide polymorphisms identified to be associated […]
RIP-Seq Shows miRNA Expression and Function Not Always a MatchJune 20, 2013There is a saying that, “each microRNA can have hundreds of target mRNAs, and each mRNA can be targeted by hundreds of miRNAs”. If that’s true, then how the heck are we supposed to know what’s going on in that crazy transcriptome? What does it mean when a miRNA and predicted target don’t explain the […]
The Consequences of RNAs Alternative Polyadenylation LifestyleJune 7, 2013First it started enjoying the ‘occasional’ methylation. Then it crossed the LINE when it ‘borrowed’ its good buddy’s machinery. And now it seems like RNA just can’t stop. It turns out that just like all those hipsters, splicing isn’t the only one to enjoy an ‘alternative’ lifestyle. Researchers from UCLA have shown that polyadenylation wants […]
RNA-Mediated Epigenetic Heredity Gets by with a Little Help from its FriendsMay 30, 2013Just like the Beatles, evolution appears to work best in harmony with all its members. RNA-mediated inheritance, a key component of the epigenetic mix, has quickly risen into the spotlight of mechanisms for non-Mendelian heredity. Dr. Minoo Rassoulzadegan’s group (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France) has previously shown that small non-coding RNAs can cause heritable […]
PAR-CLIP Yields Insights into the Function of snoRNA ProgenyMay 30, 2013Although some reports have suggested that smaller RNAs derived from snoRNAs can have alternative, even miRNA-like functions, a Swiss research team now says that’s pretty darn rare. Did we mention the research team resides in the land of neutrality? So we naturally trust the data. Of course, snoRNAs (small nucleolar RNAs) guide modifications onto other […]
Non-Coding RNAs Step Out of LINE in CancerMay 29, 2013LINE-1 retrotransposons are a plentiful and cunning repetitive element of viral origin, which are typically kept silent via our hardworking epigenetic mechanism: DNA methylation. However, just like every good molecular pirate, cancer likes to use what it hijacks. Dr. Cristina Tufarelli’s group (University of Nottingham, UK) have previously shown that aberrant activation of LINE-1 promoters […]