NanoNOMe Combines Nanopore and NOMe-seq to Mine the Allele-specific EpigenomeJanuary 18, 2021Gnomes are small magical creatures that mine for treasures, so you might wonder if a nanoNOMe is an even tinier being. Well actually it’s a new molecular technique, but its applications are nothing short of magical. Several methods have been developed to probe DNA methylation, transcription factors, and chromatin state simultaneously. Many are based on […]
DNA Methylation Can Take You to Higher Ground!January 16, 2021It’s not often that an epigenetics study can elevate you to a higher plane, but uplifting new research into those who live at the top of the world now establishes that DNA methylation profiles can take you higher and higher and support high-altitude living. Researchers led by Ainash Childebayeva (Max Planck Institute for the Study […]
Are My Eggs Getting Old? Single-cell Multiomics Shows that Oocytes Have an Epigenetic TimestampJanuary 13, 2021Unfortunately, real life is not a fairy tale. Unlike Sleeping Beauty, sleeping oocytes are not frozen in time. As oocytes get older, they acquire epigenetic changes that make it harder for them to get on with their baby making business. Important new single-cell multiomics work from Gavin Kelsey’s and Myriam Hemberger’s teams at the Babraham Institute shows […]
The Epigenetic Clock – From Deep Space to Deep LearningDecember 30, 2020As the year comes to its end, our epigenetic clocks keep on ticking, and hot new DNA methylation-based studies keep rolling in. Here, we gaze into two deeply interesting studies that take us on an epigenetic journey from deep space to deep learning by reporting how space travel can influence epigenetic aging and how neural […]
DNA Methylation Contributes to the Chaos and Complications of COVID-19December 14, 2020While the cough was the cardinal consideration, COVID-19 has been causing chaos in every organ system, including lungs, heart, brain, blood, liver, and skin. In fact, the involvement of these non-lung systems predicts increased mortality and new research now shows that DNA methylation is a contributor to COVID-19. Researchers from the laboratory of Arjun Deb […]
Reprogramming Helps to “Turn Back Time” on the Epigenetic Clock and Restore Lost VisionDecember 14, 2020Back in the days of big hair and masses of leather, Cher wanted to “turn back time” if she could find a way! Well, get your stockings and suspenders ready and head for the docks, as her eighties “vision” may be on the cusp of coming true with the help of epigenetic reprogramming! Specifically, resear-Cher-s […]
Blame the Brain on Cocaine: DNA Methylation Alters 3D Chromatin TerrainDecember 8, 2020Although studies of DNA methylation and its impact on chromatin architecture leave us with quite the buzz, this latest one adds a bit of cocaine to the mix to give it an extra kick. This stimulating study found cocaine use reduced DNA methylation at a key gene to change CTCF binding and alter 3D chromatin […]
The Powerhouse Of The Cell Is At It Again! Mighty Mitochondria Modify DNA Methylation and MortalityNovember 24, 2020If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. Adding to this prowess is a new finding showing that the amount of mitochondrial DNA impacts nuclear DNA methylation and gene expression, ultimately influencing mortality and cardiovascular disease. While we’ve seen how mutant mitochondria can influence histone […]
How I Met Your Mother: DNMT3A from Mom Leaves its Mark on Dad’s Genome in the Early EmbryoNovember 24, 2020While stories of Mom meeting Dad often leave their mark on a family, and sometimes a nation, the plot has now thickened thanks to new findings showing that Mom’s DNMT3A leaves its mark on Dad’s genome in the early embryo. DNA methylation in the male germline undergoes massive changes during preimplantation. High paternal DNA methylation […]
No Biopsy? No Problem! – Detecting Pancreatic Cancer from Cell-Free DNA 5hmC ProfilingNovember 13, 2020Want to detect the development of pancreatic cancer and improve patient outcomes but don’t have any tissue biopsies? An exciting new epigenetics study that employed liquid biopsies to detect 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) on circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) to allow the early detection of pancreatic cancer now says: “No Problem!” Researchers at Bluestar Genomics (San Diego, CA, USA), […]