The PSA Debate and DNA Methylation BiomarkersMarch 25, 2009For many men, nothing can kick off a mid-life crisis quicker than a prostate exam. Middle-aged guys in sports cars everywhere dread reminders from their urologist for prostate checkups. Don’t even get us started on PSA’s infamous counterpart, the digital rectal exam. The prostate surface antigen (PSA) test was launched back in 1985 by Hybritech, […]
Two Epigenetic Drugs Join Forces with Cisplatin to Knock Out CancerMarch 9, 2009Just when it seems that scientists are winning the fight against cancer, tumors hit below the belt by developing resistance to chemotherapies. But researchers at the University of Glasgow and TopoTarget Prolifix Ltd. have shown that delivering a 1-2 punch of epigenetic drugs could allow the chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin to knock out resistant tumors. Cisplatin, […]
Nanopore Sequencing the 5th BaseMarch 2, 2009For the pipette-jockeys out there who have been toiling away with tedious bisulfite sequencing runs, MS-PCR, or Me-DIP protocols: Hang in there! It looks like help might soon be on the way. A group of Oxford researchers just published a method that uses nanopore technology to sequence single molecules of DNA, including 5-methylcytosine, all without […]
Integrated Epigenetic Profiling in Primary Human CellsFebruary 25, 2009The Costello Lab at UCSF is another of the four Reference Epigenome Mapping Centers (REMCs, not to be confused with REM although I’m sure Michael Stipe would be very proud of the work going on at the REMCs). According to Dr. Joseph Costello, his lab will be rolling up their sleeves with scientists at UC […]
Oncogenic Viruses MethylomesFebruary 17, 2009To methylate, or not to methylate? That is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the genome to suffer the onslaughts and diversions of oncogenic DNA viruses or, by inactivating, disguise them (from immune surveillance). When researchers used bisulfite sequencing to examine the methylomes of three double-stranded DNA viruses (Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV) 16 and 18, […]
miRNA-29b at the Bedside?February 16, 2009Start stocking the miRNA-29b in your medicine cabinet. A group of researchers from The Ohio State University recently cranked out some great data demonstrating how miRNAs work to regulate DNA methylation in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), outlining a potential therapeutic use of mir-29b. The study reveals how miR-29b works by targeting DNA Methyltransferases (DNMTs), the […]
DNA Methylation Resuscitation in PlantsFebruary 3, 2009Conventional wisdom had it that once a methylated repeat sequence is heavily demethylated, there’s no turning back. Not only don’t they become remethylated, but subsequent generations inherit the epigenetic changes as well. But a group of European researchers have found that this isn’t always the case and there are at least two distinct classes of […]
Blast from the Past: Methylation Profiling of Archival Lymphoma SamplesFebruary 3, 2009Imagine that you could go back in time and analyze the DNA methylation profiles of long-ago cancer samples (not to mention recession-proof your investment portfolio). EpiGenie can’t help with the latter because our time machine is on the fritz, but we can tell you about a new study in which researchers profiled the methylomes of […]
LCM to Data: Navigating the Small Sample Obstacle Course in DNA Methylation ProfilingJanuary 25, 2009Tissue heterogeneity has pestered researchers desiring a closer look at tissue-specific genomics and epigenomics. Sure, laser capture microdissection (LCM) platforms have been really helpful in isolating very small and specific regions of tissue, but that’s only half the battle. Working with minute amounts of LCM samples, particularly when they’re derived from the battered formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded […]
CHARMed I’m Shore: Meet the Latest Hotspots for DNA MethylationJanuary 19, 2009Between reading Dilbert cartoons and refilling their Swingline staplers, many of corporate America’s finest day dream of holidays to distant islands, but they’re not alone. Researchers studying DNA methylation have made minimal attempts to hide their infatuation with CpG islands, after all, these regions tend to associate themselves with prestigious protein-coding regions of genes. An […]