PRC2 Complex Genetic Variants Leave a DNA Methylation Signature in Overgrowth SyndromeApril 13, 2020While epigenetic modifications can leave their signatures on our genome, our genome can also leave its signature on our epigenomes. Genetic variants in epigenetic regulatory genes often cause disorders characterized by abnormal growth and intellectual disability. The Polycomb repressive complex-2 (PRC2) complex is a core regulator of chromatin structure through methylation of H3K27. EZH2, EED, […]
Tet3 Acts Against Anxiety in Forebrain NeuronsMarch 27, 2020While there are a lot of reasons to anxious these days, thankfully our neurons are using epigenetics to respond and adapt to the barrage of new information in our environment. In fact, DNA cytosine hydroxymethylation (5hmC) might be necessary to keep cognition in check, and a new research suggests that one of the enzymes that […]
Compound Effects on DNA Methylation: Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Early Life StressMarch 18, 2020While some compound effects, like interest, are desired, there are others we should avoid. While we know that stress and alcohol have adverse effects on pregnancy that can be reflected epigenetically, it turns out that the combination of the two can have distinct detrimental effects. Previously, the lab of Shiva Singh at Western University (Ontario, […]
ChromID Helps Us Understand How Epigenetic Pots Find Their Protein LidsMarch 16, 2020The old saying “every pot will find its lid” suggests that a match exists for everyone looking for love, you just have to get out there and find your perfect partner! Online-dating may help scientists to find their significant other from the bench side; however, current laboratory approaches for the identification of protein-binding partners for […]
dCas9-ROS1 Cuts Out the Methylation Middlemen in Targeted DNA DemethylationMarch 3, 2020As the saying goes, the shortest path from A to B is a straight line and if you’re studying DNA demethylation, you know just how complicated things can get along the road from methylated to unmethylated cytosines. Mammals use Ten-Eleven Translocation proteins (TET) to oxidize 5mC, but the process creates pit stops that may be […]
Epigenetic Study Suggests that the Safety of Vaping is Running on FumesMarch 2, 2020With as many flavors as there are epigenetic modifications, vaping has arrived on the scene as a safer alternative to the smoking of cigarettes and a means to give up a rather unhealthy habit. However, the rise in vaping-related lung injuries and the “unforeseen” massive uptake of vaping by teenagers have prompted scientists to undertake […]
Darwinian Selection Acts on DNA Methylation: Persistence of 5mC Without a De Novo MethyltransferaseFebruary 18, 2020Having trouble maintaining that New Year’s resolution to stay fit? Then you might want to ask a yeast for some advice: it turns out some of their evolutionary fitness is tied to maintaining DNA methylation with a methyltransferase for millions of years. DNA methylation is a common genomic modification, present in all life and prevalent […]
A Dynamic Epigenetic Editing Duo: Mutant DNMT3A and SunTag Team Up to Reduce Off-Target MethylationFebruary 4, 2020Some of the best superheroes are born out of a mutational event. It’s how Peter Parker became Spiderman, how Bruce Banner turned into the Incredible Hulk, and where the X-Men derive their powers. It just goes to show that mutations aren’t always a bad thing — a point exemplified by the new superhero team in […]
Single-cell Multi-omic Maps of Germ Layer Enhancers – Deciphering The Best-laid Body-Plans of Mice and Perhaps Men?January 22, 2020A weekend away with a book of poetry, a mountain biking holiday, or perhaps a daring jewel heist……whatever your idea of a fun weekend is, a well-laid out, precise set of instructions usually help; in short, you need a plan! In the gastrulating mouse embryo, precise epigenomic and transcriptomic instructions dictate the differentiation of pluripotent […]
Retrotransposons LIT the Way for Genomic Imprinting During EvolutionJanuary 9, 2020It’s clear that humans and mice have taken very different evolutionary paths, but new research suggests that transcription from long terminal repeat retrotransposons (LTRs), which are endogenous retroviral elements that can induce DNA methylation in oocytes, may have acted as guiding lights along the forks in the road. Besides the obvious differences in size, furriness, […]