Shifting Sex: Social Stress Throws Epigenetics in Reverse for Female Bluehead WrassesJuly 15, 2019Have you ever run into an unexpected detour on your commute? Whether it be an ice patch, flood, or even a mudslide, mother nature can reroute even the best laid plans, but for some species, changes in the environment have much higher stakes than being late for work or that much needed vacation. In fact, […]
eBook: NeuroepigeneticsJuly 4, 2019It’s become increasing clear that epigenetic mechanisms have a unique role to play in the brain. From neurodevelopment, to memory, to brain function epigenetic mechanisms seem to be very important. These mechanisms are also frequently perturbed in neurological disorders. In this ebook, we’ve assembled summaries of research related to uncovering the many roles of epigenetics […]
Mutant DNMT3A Underperforms in Overgrowth SyndromeJune 25, 2019If you’re underperforming at work, you might end up with a rejected paper, failed experiments, or an angry boss. However, this isn’t so bad when compared to how mutated DNMT3A underperforms in its role as a DNA methyltransferase, since that can result in a pathogenic overgrowth known as Tatton-Brown-Rahman syndrome (TBRS). Despite DNMT3A’s known role […]
Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing of Down Syndrome Brain Captures the Big PictureJune 18, 2019Sometimes in life, we get so focused on the details that we can miss the big picture. One of the best examples of this periscope perspective is the case of Down syndrome. Although it is caused by trisomy of chromosome 21, Down syndrome patients display genome-wide alterations to their transcriptomic and epigenomic profiles; however, the […]
Enhancer Hypomethylation in Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Paves the Way for Cell DeathJune 15, 2019When it comes to understanding the epigenetics of aging, Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) has enhanced our knowledge in countless ways. This neurodegenerative disease has taught us to embrace healthy aging, and some surprising players have emerged from the examination of DNA methylation. Studies have uncovered a role for enhancers in AD; however, investigations into the consequences of DNA methylation at these […]
The Chicken or the Egg: Beefing Up Causal Relationships Between DNA Methylation and Gene Expression in Skeletal MuscleJune 4, 2019An age old question: Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Determining the cause and effect relationship isn’t easy, and the same is true for the relationship between DNA methylation (DNAme) and gene expression. Who is strong-arming who? And even more important (at least to the pragmatists among us), how do both of these […]
Major Psychosis Upsets the Epigenetic Balance of Chromosome 11 in the BrainMay 28, 2019We always hear about the importance of balance in our lives; work-life balance, balanced budgets, and a balanced diet, but what happens when the scales are tipped? For people struggling with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, an imbalance of dopamine in the brain can lead to delusions or hallucinations caused by major psychosis. Although we’ve known […]
eBook: Cancer and EpigeneticsMay 15, 2019Changes in epigenetic regulation are hallmarks of the transition from normal to cancerous cells. Exploration of the role of epigenetics in cancer has proven to be informative for better understanding both cancer and epigenetic mechanisms. In this EpiGenie ebook, we present summaries of several studies on exploring the role of specific epigenetic processes in cancer. […]
Astronomical Findings from the NASA Twin Study on the Effects of Space FlightMay 6, 2019Identical twins are known for having some pretty out of this world similarities. Picking the same clothes, feeling the other’s pain, and often going into the same careers. The latter is true for Mark and Scott Kelly, monozygotic twins who also both happen to have been trained as astronauts. Twins are a favorite model system […]
New Epigenetic Clock Offers an Evolutionary Conserved View of Aging Through Ribosomal DNA MethylationApril 27, 2019With updates and novel iterations to the “epigenetic clock” occurring at a pace faster than our smartwatches, it’s about time a new player emerged in the world of epigenetic clocks. Not only can these specialist timepieces keep track of our chronological age, but they can also tell us how environmental factors affect the pace of […]