The Shores of CpG Islands Reveal Differences Between iPS and ES cellsNovember 5, 2009With headquarters in Del Mar, CA, you don’t have to tell us that the shores are where the action is, so it makes sense that the shores of CpG islands are a hot spot for epigenetic movers and shakers like DNAm. In fact, researchers have found evidence in the shores of CpG islands that induced […]
To “B-cell” Or Not To “B-cell” – DNA Methylation & Stem Cell FateNovember 4, 2009We doubt that Shakespeare was thinking of DNA methylation and stem cell differentiation when he penned that famous line, and yet somehow it seems to apply here. Recent work led by Frank Rosenbauer at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin has revealed some of the first insights into the causal relationships between […]
Dr. Adrian Bird: Interview With A Pioneer in Methylated DNAOctober 21, 2009One of the things we enjoy most at EpiGenie is chatting with the researchers who are driving epigenetics forward. So, naturally we were stoked to come across an interview with Dr. Adrian Bird in PLoS Genetics. Adrian Bird is the Buchanan Chair of Genetics at the University of Edinburgh and is also Director of the […]
Epigenetic Cancer Therapy – Not Just for DNA AnymoreOctober 14, 2009Researchers studying cancer epigenetics therapies dream of days when we might be able to control DNA methylation like our car stereos…less treble, little more bass. 5 Aza is one of the early leaders in the epi pipeline, and like a lot of therapeutics out there, we learn more about how it impacts other cellular processes […]
The Emerging Players in the Epigenetics of HypoxiaOctober 14, 2009Even beyond its most obvious consequence – death — oxygen deprivation has profound effects on cells and tissues. A couple of recent papers highlight some connections between epigenetics and hypoxia. Anaerobic respiration is great for brewing beer. But add O2 and the yeasty beasties stop fermenting. It’s the same principle – only in reverse – […]
The First Completed DNA Methylomes Cover All the BasesOctober 14, 2009Halfway into October, we’re deep into post-season baseball. Although, the Padres haven’t given us local San Diegans much to boast about this year (or last), local standouts at the Salk Institute and UCSD knocked one out of the park this week in Nature. Here’s a team that really knows how to cover the bases, all […]
Putting Epigenetics on the MapOctober 12, 2009Between the mapping centers, generating enormous quantities of data for the NIH Roadmap Epigenomics Initiative, and the NCBI that is archiving and distributing it, lies the Epigenomics Data Analysis and Coordination Center. Aleksandar Milosavljevic and co-PI Arthur Beaudet won the 5-year, $7+ million U01 grant last year to set up and run the EDACC informatics […]
Prolonged Exposure to Life Alters Your DNA MethylationAugust 18, 2009“What a drag it is getting old…” We’ve always wondered how the Rolling Stones are still rockin. A little luck? Alien intervention? Genetics maybe, or is it something else? While most aging partiers are busy worrying about looking cool and fitting in with the Lindsey Lohans of the club scene, it turns out they should […]
Improvements in DNAm-Based Colorectal Cancer Screening Has Community BEAMingAugust 17, 2009We know how important it is to get colorectal cancer screenings, but they rank up next to taxes on the fun factor. In fact, we’d much rather have our doc run our blood or fecal sample through the new methyl-BEAMing (Beads, Emulsion, Amplification and Magnetics) technology developed by the DNA gurus of Vogelstein et al. […]
Famine, Conception, and MethylationAugust 13, 2009Over the years many celebrities and well doers worldwide have drawn our attention to those in need of aid and nourishment. Whether you attended Harrison’s Concert for Bangladesh (not likely given the median age our audience), or remember singing along with Lionel Richie to the multi-platinum “We Are the World,” single (more likely) or maybe […]