DNA Methylation Takes a World Tour of Human DiversitySeptember 20, 2017Once a rock star makes it big, they treat the world to a tour. However, DNA methylation, being both an epigenetic rock star and an unbearable diva, has been more than fashionably late to the party! But fear not! DNA methylation has made a comeback with a hit record of scientific insight into human diversity. […]
Single-Nuclei Neuronal Methylomes Single in on New Brain Cell SubtypesAugust 20, 2017Every population has its own unique identity, and behind that is our brain, an organ composed of cellular populations with their own unique DNA methylation identities. However, capturing the true diversity of a population requires the ability to observe each individual in that group and for methylomes that requires innovations in single-cell bisulfite sequencing. In […]
Genomic Imprinting’s Alternative Choices: H3K27me3 and 5hmCJuly 31, 2017In today’s world, where choices are a plenty, alternative is a fashionable choice. When it comes to genomic imprinting, traditionalists swear by DNA cytosine methylation (5mC); however, sometimes imprinting turns to alternative epigenetic marks. Genomic imprinting is typically driven by 5mC at imprinting control regions (ICRs), where it represses the expression of the marked allele […]
Environmentally Reprogrammed Sperm Epigenetically Transmit Behavior Across GenerationsJuly 11, 2017Life’s full of experiences that often seem like a coin toss. Should you go the gym or feast on some sushi? While the epigenetic mechanisms behind the outcomes of these two events may seem quite different at first, when considering the epigenetics of sperm, it turns out they’re two-sides of the same coin. Intergenerational Effect […]
Down is the New Up: Single Base-Pair Methylome Maps of CancerJune 29, 2017Navigating the highly variable features behind the epigenomic basis of cancer is no easy task: What’s up is down, what’s down is up! Thankfully, to aid our quest, the lab of Manel Esteller at the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) in Spain has brought forth a map as massive as the DNA methylation changes behind […]
Tea Beats Coffee as a DNA Methylation Caffeine Fix in WomenJune 10, 2017There’s no denying that caffeine fuels epigenetic discovery, but now a recent epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) offers up a different epigenetic perspective about your daily caffeine fix. This creative rush comes at you from a European collaboration led by Uppsala University (Sweden). The team brewed up the first epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) of coffee and […]
DNA Methylation is a Plus for Many Transcription FactorsJune 6, 2017When it comes to transcription factor binding, DNA methylation has a reputation as a trouble maker. When most people think of DNA methylation, they think of it blocking proteins from being able to bind. But does it deserve the bad rap? Though there are some examples of DNA methylation promoting binding of certain transcription factors […]
Drive the LINE: H4K20me3 Beats DNA Methylation at LINE-1 Chimeric Transcripts in Colorectal CancerApril 10, 2017The drivers of gene expression maintain a fragile balance that tends to cross the LINE in cancer. LINE-1s are transposable elements full of both mystery and regulatory potential. Within their 5’ untranslated region (UTR) lies a bidirectional promoter (L1-5’UTR) that consists of a sense promoter (L1-SP), which transcribes the element, and an antisense promoter (L1-ASP), which […]
CLEVER Technique Maps the 5-Formylcytosine Landscape during DNA DemethyationMarch 31, 2017Mapping an undulating, dynamic, and partially hidden landscape represents a vexing problem to say the least, especially when the landmarks of interest are rare DNA demethylation by-products in a single cell! This is the task faced by those intrepid explorers hoping to map the genome-wide location of 5-formylcytosine (5fC), a fleetingly rare oxidized form of […]
Gene Body DNA Methylation Keeps Cells Fit and HealthyMarch 9, 2017Boots, check! Helmet, check! DNA Methylation, check? Any active individual will tell you that protecting your body is an integral part of keeping fit and healthy while enjoying your sport of choice. In the über-competitive world of DNA, a study from the teams of Francesco Neri and Salvatore Oliviero has proposed that DNA methylation on […]