Vitamin C in Media Critical for ES Cell 5hmCJuly 24, 2013Whether its pop culture (like the ongoing royal baby mania) or cell culture, there’s no denying the enormous impact that ‘media’ has on our life. In fact, new evidence shows that a little Vitamin C in cell culture media can influence mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, like typical pre-teens, to undergo a blastocyst-like identity crisis. […]
The Dynamic EpigenomeJuly 24, 2013EpiGenie recently reviewed the text Epigenetics by Jorg Tost. Here is a more in depth summary of one the chapters provided courtesy of JA Gill who is molecular biologist at NOAA in the Northwest Fisheries Science Center, to give you a little sneak peek into what the whole book is all about: The Dynamic Epigenome: […]
Disrupting DMNT1’s Cancerous InteractionsJuly 9, 2013It seems like almost every gene examined today has it roots in cancer, and epigenetic mechanisms haven’t missed the invite to that party. But with all these players comes an overwhelming heterogeneity that has troubled researchers looking for a cure ever since cancer was described as an epigenetic disease. Some research groups have tried out […]
Turn by Turn Navigation of DNA Methylation Maps in the Human Brain Now AvailableJuly 9, 2013Whoever claims cartography is a lost art hasn’t visited the Salk Institute lately. The cliffside research palace in La Jolla is home to a number of ambitious researchers who’ve been busy the last few years mapping every nook and cranny of the epigenome. Most recently, a team of clever researchers led the charge on mapping “genome-wide composition, […]
The Darkside of Epigenetic PlasticityJune 26, 2013Sure, genes get mutated in cancers, but the epigenome gets messed-up too. In fact, two researchers argue in a recent review that a “dysregulated epigenome” that’s too plastic and flexible could itself lead to cancer. Andrew Feinberg and Winston Timp, both from the Center for Epigenetics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, wrote the […]
DeepSAGE Digs up Expression Differences in 3’ EndsJune 24, 2013It isn’t always a good thing to get the end of something, but researchers say that by grabbing onto 3’ ends of transcripts and tagging them, DeepSAGE digs deep, getting low-level transcripts and getting new info on their “back-ends.” That could be important for figuring out exactly how gene expression changes with disease. “It was […]
Application Note: Automated Bisulfite ConversionJune 14, 2013Unlike more mainstream assays, bisulfite conversion approaches have been dependent on manual manipulation of spin plates and columns or have been of limited throughput. By adapting the clean-up of bisulfite converted DNA to a magnetic bead based procedure and coupling it to the Freedom EVO® platform, Zymo Research has opened the door to high-throughput bisulfite […]
Optical Detection Adds Color to 5hmC AnalysisJune 11, 2013A talented crew of researchers led by Dr. Yuval Ebenstein (Tel-Aviv University, Israel) recently pioneered a technique that gives anyone the ability to assay 5hmc “nanodrop” style. In their paper, they presented proof-of-principle experimentation. They labeled DNA and then sandwiched it between two glass slides to stretch it.. The DNA was then imaged on a […]
The Consequences of RNAs Alternative Polyadenylation LifestyleJune 7, 2013First it started enjoying the ‘occasional’ methylation. Then it crossed the LINE when it ‘borrowed’ its good buddy’s machinery. And now it seems like RNA just can’t stop. It turns out that just like all those hipsters, splicing isn’t the only one to enjoy an ‘alternative’ lifestyle. Researchers from UCLA have shown that polyadenylation wants […]
DNA Methylation in Twins Changes Early, Like Really EarlyMay 30, 2013Like anyone else, identical and fraternal twins change a lot as they get older. Just look at Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen (fraternal twins, believe it or not). Perhaps not-so-surprisingly, researchers are reporting that DNA methylation patterns of identical and fraternal twins change a lot in their first 18 months. The kicker is that even though […]