EpiGenie Guide: Chromatin ShearingMarch 6, 2020ChIP-Seq has transformed the field of epigenetics, providing unprecedented resolution and coverage for surveying protein- DNA interactions. Powerful, high-throughput sequencing is credited with most of the benefits, but there’s a lot more that goes into ChIP-Seq than sequencing. Chromatin shearing is one of the first critical steps in the ChIP-Seq workflow. Depending on your approach, […]
dCas9-ROS1 Cuts Out the Methylation Middlemen in Targeted DNA DemethylationMarch 3, 2020As the saying goes, the shortest path from A to B is a straight line and if you’re studying DNA demethylation, you know just how complicated things can get along the road from methylated to unmethylated cytosines. Mammals use Ten-Eleven Translocation proteins (TET) to oxidize 5mC, but the process creates pit stops that may be […]
Epigenetic Study Suggests that the Safety of Vaping is Running on FumesMarch 2, 2020With as many flavors as there are epigenetic modifications, vaping has arrived on the scene as a safer alternative to the smoking of cigarettes and a means to give up a rather unhealthy habit. However, the rise in vaping-related lung injuries and the “unforeseen” massive uptake of vaping by teenagers have prompted scientists to undertake […]
Inactive X Chromosomes SPENd Time Tucked Under the Epigenetic CoversFebruary 25, 2020When it’s the dead of winter, and the world outside is frozen solid, there’s no better place to be than under a mountain of warm blankets, like an inactivated X chromosome under a cloud of Xist long-noncoding RNA. Although we’ve known for a while that Xist is necessary for X chromosome inactivation (XCI), the mechanisms […]
ATAC-Me: An Epigenetic One-Two Combo Hits the Mark at EnhancersFebruary 16, 2020There are many ways to “attack” a problem – head-on, from the side, with great care, or swiftly and suddenly, but as many a boxer may tell you, the classic one-two combo usually works a treat. Now, in a slugfest of a new study, a rambunctious rabble of ring-ready researchers recently hit the mark and […]