Sperm Nucleosome Retention is All Off BaseApril 19, 2011There are lots of ways sperm cells are different from other cell types, but a new PLoS Genetics paper focused on one way in particular, chromatin structure, in order to find out what those differences mean and where they come from.In most cells, DNA is packaged up into nucleosomes, but in sperm, nucleosomes are only […]
DNA Methylation Keeps iPS Cells Living in the PastApril 19, 2011Some people are convinced that they’ve lived a past life, recalling snippets of someone else’s memories from a different time and place. Now, without the benefit of hypnosis, researchers have discovered that induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells also retain transcriptional memories of past lives as somatic cells, which can be at least partially explained by […]
DNA Methylation May be Secret to Dieting SuccessApril 13, 2011The theory behind most diets seems simple enough: Eat less calories; Lose more weight. But we all know that’s way easier said than done, and now there’s some epigenetic reasons why. A new study found that promoter methylation of key obesity linked genes can predict the success of low-calorie diets. Researchers from the University of […]
miRNAs Better at Predicting Outcome Than NCAA SeedsApril 12, 2011After this year’s March Madness Tournament, many people are wondering whether predictive measures have any relation to outcome in the real world. Luckily, scientists are too busy to watch that many basketball games. Since the best defense is a good offense, researchers from Luxembourg and Seattle teamed up to try to identify markers that could […]
Formaldehyde Fumes Foil miRNA ExpressionApril 12, 2011Anyone who’s gotten too close while pouring an RNA gel knows the eye-burning, nose-hair-singeing bite of formaldehyde fumes. Even outside the lab, we breathe in trace levels of formaldehyde released from car exhaust and manufacturing processes. Now researchers at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill have uncovered changes in miRNA expression of lung cells exposed […]
Nickel Exposure Takes Its Toll Via H3K4me3April 11, 2011It’s been known for a while that nickel-based compounds are linked to cancer. In fact, if we had a Nickel for every time we hear about how dangerous nickel exposure is, well, we might be able to buy a cup of coffee (Nickels just aren’t worth what they used to be!). But the point is, […]
Embryonic Stem Cells and their 5hmC Highwire Balancing ActApril 5, 2011With new tools and techniques to study the sixth base, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC), reports starting to pour in to shed new light on just what the heck it does. Now researchers in the UK have shown that changes in the relative levels of 5mC and 5hmC in embryonic stem (ES) cells could help tip cells toward […]
Chromatin States Get On the MapMarch 30, 2011Deciphering chromatin status across an entire genome must seem like trying to navigate through an Amazon rain forest without a guide. Luckily, new work just published begins the process of creating chromatin state roadmaps to help point epigenetics researchers down the right path. To make that journey a little smoother, a research group from MIT […]
miRNA Mimics Take Imperfect Aim at Gene PromotersMarch 29, 2011Sometimes a perfect match isn’t all it’s cracked up to be – just look at the Hollywood divorce rate. Whether you’re talking relationships or ncRNAs, a few mismatches between partners can still lead to a successful outcome. That seems to be the case for small RNAs that recognize gene promoter regions, as revealed by researchers […]
LincRNA HOTTIP Gives Inside Info on Active Chromatin MarketsMarch 24, 2011In unsteady stock markets these days, who couldn’t use a hot tip to rev up their investments? Apparently, some HOXA genes also need a HOTTIP just as much as any Wall St. insider to help jump-start production. A recent Nature paper from talented teams at Stanford University and UCSF reveals that a long intergenic non-coding […]