Automating Pluripotent Stem Cell Culture – The Rise of the Robots?December 4, 2015They help cook dinner, clean the dishes, and sweep up afterward. They also build our cars, help us explore space, and now they may be on the verge of aiding in highly complex tasks in the laboratory. In particular, robot-based automation is being explored as a means to enhance efficiency in laboratories studying pluripotent stem […]
Epigenetic Diversity Teams Up with Genetics to Explain Complex PhenotypesDecember 4, 2015If epigenetics has taught us anything, it’s that genes are not our destiny. Even though aberrant patterns of epigenetic marks have been caught at the scene of the crime in many disease states, we know relatively little about their natural variation and how this influences human health. That may be about to change however with […]
DNA Methylation and SNPs Interact to Shape Neurodevelopment and Schizophrenia RiskDecember 4, 2015While epigenetic marks drive traits on their own, their complex influence on phenotype can also be caught in an intimate tango with underlying sequence. One way to characterize this association is by studying DNA methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTLs), which are SNPs in the genome that influence DNA methylation. Previously, the Lab of Jonathan Mill […]
Enhancers Shape the Fetal Landscape of Dynamic Developmental DNA MethylationNovember 29, 2015Waddington’s epigenetic landscape is a classic metaphor for the role of epigenomics in development. In it, a cell becomes increasingly committed to a certain developmental trajectory as it acquires marks that poise it for later development. Massive efforts have been undertaken to chart this unexplored landscape and discover the buried treasures of development. Much has […]
CRISPR-Enhanced Enhancer MappingNovember 29, 2015Enhancers are hugely important regulatory regions of DNA that control gene expression. New techniques are telling us a lot about enhancer structure and function, but the study of enhancers could still use some enhancement. Enhancers are currently defined by what they look like (local DNA methylation, histone modifications, and chromatin availability) or by pulling them […]
Bisulfite FREEway Provides Route to the Lost Oxidized Derivatives of DNA MethylationNovember 16, 2015When navigating complex environments, it’s always handy to have a good map. Although the human epigenome project has been pretty good at mapping the complexities of 5-methyl cytosine (5mC), and more recently 5-hydroxymethylation (5hmC), other oxidative derivatives of 5hmC, 5-formylcytosine (5fC) and 5-carboxylcytosine (5caC), have remained relatively uncharted terrain. Researchers from North Carolina and Active Motif […]
m6A Modification Protects Against Heat ShockNovember 13, 2015When exposed to high temperatures, cells behave much as we would on a hot summer’s day. Cell division, and most energy-consuming activities, come to a standstill (a bit like the human equivalent of lying perfectly still on a sunbed with a mojito in hand). Yet, despite the general repression of translation, genes encoding protective heat […]
Different Pluripotent Stem Cells Remain Functionally SimilarNovember 12, 2015Coke vs. Pepsi, Domino’s vs. Pizza Hut, Bud vs. Miller. Could you tell the difference them in a taste test, given that they are made in a slightly different way with slightly different starting materials? And in the end, if each option does the job they were designed to do (filling bellies!), will any slight […]
New Cas Effectors Inject Fresh Talent Onto CRISPR StageNovember 12, 2015Poor Cas9. If CRISPR were a new music trend, Cas9 would the band that was playing CRISPR long before it was cool, rode the CRISPR wave to stardom, alienated its fans with copyright battles, and is already under threat from the new kids. Less metaphorically, Cas9 is an enzyme that uses RNA spacers (crRNAs) transcribed […]
Linking RNA Modifications and Stem Cell PluripotencyNovember 12, 2015Recent studies reported here at Epigenie have identified N6-methyladenosine (m6A) as a highly dynamic RNA modification that influences all aspects of RNA biology. Furthermore, an interesting study in mouse and human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) has indicated a role for N6-methyladenosine in the switch between ESC pluripotency and differentiation. Cool stuff indeed, but whate regulates N6-methyladenosine deposition […]