Biotechnology Development and Cancer Epigenomics with Dr. Martin HirstDecember 20, 2019Dr. Martin Hirst from the University of British Columbia discusses his lab’s epigenomic research focused on biotechnology development and cancer at the 2019 joint CEEHRC/IHEC meeting.
Sperm Epigenomics and Environmental Exposures with Dr. Sarah KimminsDecember 20, 2019Dr. Sarah Kimmins from McGill University discusses her lab’s research into sperm epigenomics at the 2019 joint CEEHRC/IHEC meeting.
MeCP2 on the Brain: Repressing Transcription of Long Highly Methylated GenesDecember 17, 2019It seems that everyone has MeCP2 on the brain – as evidenced by its starring role in two new Molecular Cell papers – but it’s in your brain too! The MeCP2 protein is essential for neuronal function and consistent with this, loss-of-function mutations in MeCP2 cause the neurodevelopmental disorder Rett syndrome. Unfortunately, because MeCP2 acts […]
Stressed Out Histone Modifications Mediate Lifespan ExtensionDecember 14, 2019While we have always thought of stress as something that will send us an early grave, fascinating new findings now suggest that early life stress may actually prevent such a dreaded fate. New research from the stress-resilient team in the lab Ursula Jakob (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA) has now linked increased levels […]
Epigenetic Couch Potatoes: Running isn’t on the Resolution Radar of Rodents This Year Thanks to DNA MethylationDecember 11, 2019The year is coming to an end and you know what that means — it’s time to promise yourself that next year is your year to get fit. But if you’re one of the many who never quite live up to their lofty activity goals, don’t be too hard on yourself; your epigenetics may be […]
Cancer Cells Get in Shape Using Circular Extrachromosomal DNA with Highly Accessible ChromatinDecember 3, 2019Cancer cells run rings around their normal counterparts in terms of proliferation, survival, migration, and aggressivity to devastating effect, but how do cancer cells get themselves “in shape” to allow for these strenuous activities? Previously, researchers led by Howard Y. Chang (Stanford University), Bing Ren, Vineet Bafna, and Paul S. Mischel (University of California at […]
There’s CoREST for the Wicked: An Epigenetic Switch for Social Behavior in Worker AntsNovember 23, 2019“All work and no play” is the norm for carpenter ants, where epigenetically distinct workers spend their days toiling away for their genetically identical colony-mates. The two classes of worker ants, minor workers who forage for food and major workers who protect the colony, differ in their size and appearance, but new research suggests that […]
Deciphering the Warburg Effect: The Metabolic By-product Lactate Modifies HistonesNovember 14, 2019Like the energy drink cans and protein bar wrappers that litter the table after an epic writing session, by-products generally represent undesirable items created during the generation of a more desirable object. Recycling can put some writing by-products to further use, and studies have now highlighted that biological by-products derived from cellular metabolism can also […]
Histone Hangover: Alcohol Metabolism Actively Alters Acetylation in the BrainNovember 4, 2019We’ve all been warned — from our teachers, our parents, or from outrageous college movies — if you overindulge with booze you may not remember much the next morning. Now, exciting new research shows that an alcohol metabolite can alter our brain’s histone acetylation and can mix up memories at the molecular level. Neurons make […]
Single Cell Analyses Reveal How Epigenetic Drift Makes Stem Cells Age Badly!October 28, 2019While cheese and wine (and whisky!) all get better with age, the human body fares less well! Although partaking in too many culinary delights hardly helps, studies have established the reduced number and activity of stem cells as a cause for the age-related deterioration of various tissue types. With this in mind, a talented team […]