Sopping Up Regulatory Insights with miRNA SpongesNovember 17, 2009We’ve all seen those household cleaning commercials on the tele that show a super detergent that cuts through grease, whitens whites, and zaps pet odor effortlessly, so when we first got wind of miRNA sponges a few years back (Nature Methods, August 2007), we remember being interested but skeptical. But, if these vector-driven miRNA inhibitors […]
MBD-Sequencing: The Latest Methylation Analysis Cocktail DeliversNovember 17, 2009Add 1 part enriched methylated DNA to 2 parts sequencing lanes, and you have a cocktail that delivers key insights without a data hangover. Last week, a team of Ohio scientists added the latest research recipe that is destined to become a lab fav in Nucleic Acids Research. The crew took the benefits of methylation […]
Stressing Out Over MethylationNovember 11, 2009Traumatic events like getting picked last for Dodgeball in gym class can really mess with your head. And some previous research has shown that really devastating incidents, such as 9-11, can change us, even while still in the womb, as shown in this video clip we posted a while back from the PBS Ghost in […]
The Dark-side of Being a Regulatory Star: miRNA Labeling and ManipulationNovember 11, 2009It wasn’t that long ago when cellular miRNAs lived under the radar. They went to work on their targets each day and hung out with other members of the extended RISC family. Their small size and lack of poly-A tails may have kept them out of the spotlight for decades, but the last few years […]
Comparing Long ncRNAs lincRNAsNovember 11, 2009Despite all of the attention to the non-coding transcriptome lately, our knowledge about what most long intergenic non-coding RNA (lncRNA) transcripts do – if indeed they do anything at all, still has more holes than a Dunkin’ Donut shop. Luckily there are folks out there willing to step in to take on the dirty job […]
Epigenetic Drugs: More Than Hype in the PipelineNovember 5, 2009It’s 10 p.m. on a Friday night, and you’re still stuck in the lab doing ChIP assays. As the piercing whine of the sonicator frays your last nerve, you ask yourself again, “Why did I go into epigenetics research…why couldn’t I have chosen something simpler and more straightforward (like rocket science)?” At times like these, […]
The Shores of CpG Islands Reveal Differences Between iPS and ES cellsNovember 5, 2009With headquarters in Del Mar, CA, you don’t have to tell us that the shores are where the action is, so it makes sense that the shores of CpG islands are a hot spot for epigenetic movers and shakers like DNAm. In fact, researchers have found evidence in the shores of CpG islands that induced […]
To “B-cell” Or Not To “B-cell” – DNA Methylation & Stem Cell FateNovember 4, 2009We doubt that Shakespeare was thinking of DNA methylation and stem cell differentiation when he penned that famous line, and yet somehow it seems to apply here. Recent work led by Frank Rosenbauer at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin has revealed some of the first insights into the causal relationships between […]
Context Is Key for miRNA Target SitesNovember 4, 2009If your boss were to tell you that you’re acting like a real ass, you’d probably start packing your desk, unless you’re auditioning for Eeyore in that upcoming Winnie the Pooh play in which case you’d be stoked. So much in life is all about the context…and miRNA regulation is no exception. A recent report […]
miRNA Target Prediction Program Round-upOctober 21, 2009As miRNA discovery continues to skyrocket, the obvious question is: What are these miRNAs targeting? Lately, that topic seems to be as hot as any “Jon & Kate Plus 8” gossip. Several programs have been created to get at that question, and predict targets for miRNAs, but it’s hard to know which ones are really […]