Recorded NIH Webcast with Dr. Randy Jirtle: Epigenetics-How Genes and Environment InteractApril 17, 2012The interplay between epigenetics and the environment is one of many fascinating research areas of epigenetics. If you were lucky enough to attend Keystone Symposia’s Meeting on Environmental Epigenomics and Disease Susceptibility last spring, you were fortunate enough to hear from some of the world’s top researchers leading the way to a better understanding of […]
Colon Cancer Signs on the Dotted Line with Epigenomic Enhancer SignatureApril 16, 2012Handwriting experts say that someone’s signature reveals a lot about their personality. Whether these analyses are “scientific” is debatable, but researchers in Ohio and New Hampshire have evidence that they’ve identified a signature of enhancer histone modifications that points to colon cancer. Mono- and dimethylated H3K4 marks many classes of enhancers, so the team did […]
Tackling the Dimensions of Chromatin via 3C with Dr. Job DekkerApril 12, 2012Dr. Job Dekker discusses trends that he sees in chromatin structural studies, Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C), and bringing a multidisciplinary approach into the lab to better understand chromosomes. This interview took place at the Keystone Symposia’s Epigenomics and Chromatin Dynamics joint meeting in January, 2012. This video was brought to you by epigenetics supporters […]
ChIP & Bisulfite-Seq Cut Through Chromatin, DNA Methylation ChatterApril 4, 2012There are two sides to every story. Maybe even more if you ask a lawyer. So it only makes sense that two epigenetic mechanisms like chromatin and DNA methylation would each have something to say about the genomic regions they regulate. Two new methods each combine ChIP and bisulfite sequencing in order to cut through […]
96 Reasons To Love Millipore’s Magna ChIP™ HT96 KitsApril 4, 2012Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is the workhorse of the epigenetics world, like a penny-stock is to a Wall St. broker. So why run just one or two at a time? That’s so five years ago. Now that the EMD Millipore Magna ChIP™ HT96 kits are on the scene, you can churn out up to 96 ChIP […]
Schizophrenia’s DNA Methylation FingerprintsApril 4, 2012By now, we’re all used to hearing about epigenetics in cancer or stem cell research, but its role in mental illness is still a pretty new concept. Understanding how exactly DNA methylation factors into schizophrenia may be a ways off, but new research promises to soon be able diagnose the condition through just a blood […]
Timeline for DNA Methylation in Mouse DevelopmentApril 4, 2012Not everyone is onboard with the new Facebook timeline, but here’s a timeline you can really get into. Researchers are reporting the first genome-scale, base-resolution timeline of DNA methylation in the mouse embryo, including an analysis of the DNA methylation of oocytes and sperm. To do this, the team analyzed mouse oocytes, sperm, zygotes, early […]
Epigenetics Before Sequencing with Dr. Steven HenikoffApril 4, 2012Dr. Steven Henikoff discusses interesting observations like chromosome puffs in polytene chromosomes back in the days before sequencing. This interview took place at the Keystone Symposia’s Epigenomics and Chromatin Dynamics joint meeting in January, 2012. Epigenetics Before Sequencing So when I was a graduate student you couldn’t do any of this stuff, right? It […]
Webinar: Uncover Epigenetic Signatures Faster using SureSelectXT Human Methyl-SeqApril 3, 2012Agilent Technologies presented a Webinar back in March titled: Uncover Epigenetic Signatures Faster using SureSelectXT Human Methyl-Seq SureSelect is the most complete, flexible and proven Target Enrichment platform for Next Generation Sequencing. This presentation highlights features of the new SureSelect SureSelectXT Human Methyl-Seq kit including: • Reduced bias compared to existing Methylation methods • Comprehensive […]
ChIP-String Ties Down Chromatin Regulator AnalysisMarch 22, 2012There are hundreds of chromatin regulators (CRs) out there, and yet we know so little about them other than that they control chromatin structure and function through interactions with histone mods. To help tie down the CR rules of engagement, some handy scientists developed the ChIP-string assay to provide a snapshot of several CRs in […]