CRISPR Interference Sheds Light on lncRNA FunctionDecember 24, 2016CRISPR/Cas9 regularly “lights up” our homepage here at Epigenie with new breakthroughs in DNA methylation, stem cell gene editing, and 3-D chromosome structure, to name but a few of the recent highlights. Now, an exciting new study published in Science has employed CRISPR/Cas9 technology to illuminate the “dark matter” of our genome; the ubiquitous but […]
dCas9-Dnmt3a-Dnmt3L Methyltransferase Seeds a Nuclear ReactionDecember 15, 2016Some scientific breakthroughs are so transformative that there’s no containing their spread once they’ve seeded. By engineering cellular nuclear reactions with a biochemical twist, the most powerful deactivated Cas9 (dCas9) methyltransferase explodes from the lab of Tomasz Jurkowski at the University of Stuttgart. The free energy of this reaction forges not only a new tool […]
Frequently Interacting REgions (FIREs) Ignite Chromatin’s PromiscuityDecember 10, 2016Once thought to be monogamous molecules characterized by devote linear relationships, chromosomes turn out to be philandering conformation-changers with burning loins of desire concealed between their genes. Coming from the lab of Bing Ren at the University of California, San Diego, a massive analysis of genome-wide chromosome interactions captured by Hi-C uncovers a distinct piece […]
Get Focused with MethylCheck™ Targeted DNA Methylation StudiesDecember 9, 2016Sure genome-wide DNA methylation studies steal a lot of the limelight, but often it’s targeted DNA methylation studies that handle all of that much-needed data validation, or those deeper dives into key methylated regions. That’s where targeted bisulfite sequencing shines. When you combine the reigning champ of DNA methylation analysis with next-generation sequencing, you get […]
Step Up to the Plate: Chromatrap® ChIP Seq 96 Well FormatDecember 8, 2016There comes a time in every researcher’s career when you need to step up the throughput, but the thought of high throughput ChIP can be paralyzing. “How much sample is this going to cost me?” “What happens if something goes wrong…that’s 96 samples!” The first thing you want to look for when transitioning to high […]