Zymo OneStep qMethyl™ Arrays Fill Your Plate with DNA Methylation Screens.September 29, 2011OneStep qMethyl™ Kits enable easy, bisulfite-free DNA methylation analysis of a particular locus by combining Methylation Sensitive Restriction Enzyme digestion and real-time quantitative PCR into one step. Now the methylation masters at Zymo Research have added even more flavor to the qMethyl™ entrée with the launch of OneStep qMethyl™ Arrays, pre-designed assays for select targets served […]
X-linked miRNAs Give Fairer Sex Unfair Immune AdvantageSeptember 28, 2011We love it when Epigenetic research hits the mainstream media, if for no other reason than our family and friends will have some idea of what we’re talking about when they ask about our work. This new article from sceintists at Ghent University in Belgium definitely fits the bill. Their new research finds that X-linked […]
Comparing Methylomes Reveals Evolutionary SecretsSeptember 28, 2011Your mother always told you never to compare yourself with others, but in the methylation game, comparisons can reveal lots of cool info. Researchers now report that by comparing the methylomes of eight species, they found out that the placement of the H3K36me3 mark in Drosophila actually predicts where DNA methylation happens in other invertebrates. […]
Oh, the Horror! Commercial RTs Create False-Positive ncRNA DetectionSeptember 16, 2011With Halloween coming soon, we usually expect some visits from goblins, ghosts, and other creepy creatures who aren’t really what they seem. Now, researchers warn that using commercial reverse transcriptase (RT) might give you another sort of ghastly scare—you might think you’re detecting antisense non-coding RNA (ncRNA) when it isn’t even there. With so much […]
Epigenetic Instability Passes DNA Methylation Variation on to HeirsSeptember 15, 2011There are loads of things we’d hope to inherit from our parents, like intelligence, good looks or maybe even the family fortune, but we’re pretty sure altered DNA methylation wouldn’t make the list. No use worrying about that, though, since we can’t do much about it…and how often does that really happen anyway? A group […]