Histonagram: C. elegans Sperm Carry a Histone Memory of Spermatogenesis and OogenesisOctober 31, 2018While Instagram may have replaced the Polaroid, some age-old memories just can’t be shaken. Thankfully, the sperm epigenome of C. elegans has conjured up the latest social media trend, the histonagram: a histone based memory of spermatogenesis and oogenesis that shapes offspring fertility. Although C. elegans differ from us humans in that they don’t make use […]
Paradigm Shift for Intergenerational Epigenetic Effects at Retrotransposons: The Exception Rather than the Rule?October 30, 2018While friendly customer service and helpful views in article comments sections may once have been ubiquitous occurrences, they now, unfortunately, seem to be the exception rather than the rule. This trend extends to some of our favorite epigenetic topics, where a team led by Anne C. Ferguson-Smith (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) now provides paradigm-breaking […]
H3K27ac Histone Acetylome-Wide Association Study Enhances our Knowledge of Alzheimer’s Disease BrainOctober 30, 2018When it comes to the complex disorders associated with aging, our knowledge could always use some enhancement. Thankfully, a new histone acetylome-wide association study (HAWAS) of H3K27ac establishes that this mark of active enhancers can also enhance our knowledge of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The role of histone acetylation in healthy aging and AD has begun […]
A Microbiome-Sensitive H3K4me3 Profile Predicts Intestinal Inflammation in Crohn’s DiseaseOctober 30, 2018While our microbiome serves up the metabolites required for our histone modifications, new findings establish that this agglomeration of microorganisms can also serve up a dish most foul; one that induces a severe type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) known as Crohn’s disease. Although studies have established a link between alterations to the microbiome and […]
New Enzymatic Bisulfite Alternative ACEs the CompetitionOctober 30, 2018Sodium bisulfite is the undisputed king of DNA methylation research; and this king has been played over and over for years now. But a lot of players in the field are looking for something better, and the only thing that can trump a king is an ace, in this case ACE-seq. The active enzymatic demethylation […]