Tune in to Genetically and Environmentally Tunable Polymorphic Imprinting with nc886December 10, 2018While tuning into signals is the name of the game for (epi)genomics, an exciting new study now suggests that genetic and environmental factors can tune our epigenomes by polymorphic genomic imprinting. Unlike other imprinted genes that always display monoallelic methylation, the nc886 DMR is polymorphic and imprinted in only ~75% of people. New research into this […]
It’s All in the Phylum: Lessons on Epigenetic Lineage From an Ancient RelativeDecember 6, 2018You won’t find amphioxus listed as close relative on 23andMe, but this humble invertebrate chordate may have paved the way for the successful vertebrates we’ve become. Although amphioxus split from the vertebrates over 500 million years ago on the phylogenetic tree, it still can offer some clues as to how vertebrates acquired such unique and […]
Stella is the Star that Prevents Aberrant DNA Methylation During OogenesisDecember 4, 2018The mammalian zygote is a platform for a multi-act show of dramatic rises and falls in DNA methylation. However, new research suggests that backstage, in the developing oocyte, resides the real star of the show: Stella. Stella oversees the complex choreography of DNA methyltransferases and the supporting cast to make sure the right cues are […]
New “Recipe” Combines Histone Acetylation, Telomeres, and Mitochondria in a Delicious Scientific Dish!November 26, 2018Assembling tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil into the formidable Insalata Caprese is a straightforward affair and a quick shake, and pour can make tequila, triple sec, and lime juice combine into the sublime margarita cocktail. However, no one has yet managed to fit mitochondrial dysfunction, telomere attrition, and histone acetylation into a dish of data worthy […]
Long Lasting Effects of Trauma in Sperm Long RNAsNovember 21, 2018Long-ing for an explanation for transgenerational epigenetic inheritance via sperm? Well at long last long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are giving us some insight. Studies have shown that sperm DNA methylation and small non-coding RNA (ncRNA) content mediate the transmission of life experience to subsequent generations, especially parental stress. In fact, early life stress is one […]