HiChIRP-y New Protocol Reveals the Scaffolding Function of lncRNAsJune 24, 2019Freshly brewed coffee, a lightly toasted bagel, the sweetness of orange juice; what makes you feel “chirpy” first thing in the morning? The good people from the labs of William J. Greenleaf and Howard Y. Chang (Stanford University, CA, USA) have been waking up, working hard, and feeling good, all thanks to the development of […]
Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing of Down Syndrome Brain Captures the Big PictureJune 18, 2019Sometimes in life, we get so focused on the details that we can miss the big picture. One of the best examples of this periscope perspective is the case of Down syndrome. Although it is caused by trisomy of chromosome 21, Down syndrome patients display genome-wide alterations to their transcriptomic and epigenomic profiles; however, the […]
Enhancer Hypomethylation in Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Paves the Way for Cell DeathJune 15, 2019When it comes to understanding the epigenetics of aging, Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) has enhanced our knowledge in countless ways. This neurodegenerative disease has taught us to embrace healthy aging, and some surprising players have emerged from the examination of DNA methylation. Studies have uncovered a role for enhancers in AD; however, investigations into the consequences of DNA methylation at these […]
Heterochromatin Finds an Alternative Way to Lengthen TelomeresJune 15, 2019We recently advised our readers to “think different” when it came to the epigenetic control of maintenance in alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) cells, and now, a team of “out-of-the-box” thinkers from the lab of Jérôme Déjardin (Université de Montpellier, France) have described an unconventional link between ALT and telomeric heterochromatin formation. Previous results have […]
SETing up SETD2 as a Key Player in Oocyte DevelopmentJune 5, 2019While we’ve been fascinated by how epigenetic alterations during development SET the stage for adult life, in order to fully understand this relationship, we also have to examine how the stage for the development is SET by our epigenome. The epigenome of the oocyte is reprogrammed during early embryonic development; however, some marks remain at […]