Single Molecule Epigenetic Analysis with Dr. Paul SolowayMay 15, 2012Dr. Paul Soloway discusses the limitations with some of the main methods used in epigenetics research and shares a glimpse into what the next generation of tools will look like. This interview took place at the Keystone Symposia’s Epigenomics and Chromatin Dynamics joint meeting in January, 2012. Getting Past ChIP and Bisulfite Applications So, chromatin […]
Conference Trends: Nutrition in EpigeneticsMay 15, 2012Conferences provide an up-to-the-minute look at what’s going on inside epigenetics labs all over the world. By tuning into our conference coverage, we’ve tagged diet and nutrition as an important trend to follow in epigenetic research. Here’s a look at some trendy examples in our Conference Highlights from the last year or so. Differentially Methylated […]
Nanofluidic Sorting and Analyzing of Single Methylated DNA Molecules in Real TimeMay 14, 2012Getting kids to line up single-file can be a challenge, but lining up single molecules for analyses can be just as frustrating. Now, researchers at Cornell report that they’ve done just that—they can line up single DNA molecules in a tiny channel in a nanofluidic device, sort them according to methylation state, then recover them […]
Variable Methylation Regions and Missing Heritability with Dr. Andrew FeinbergMay 10, 2012Dr. Andrew Feinberg discusses how epigenetics might be related to missing heritability of disease via variable methylation regions. This interview was shot on campus at Johns Hopkins University. Variable Methylation Regions and Missing Heritability So a conundrum in modern human genetics is how epigenetics might be related to missing heritability of disease, what’s commonly […]
HPV Integration Brings Cancerous Changes to the DNA MethylomeMay 9, 2012Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) can protect against many forms of the virus, which can cause cervical cancer. But not everyone gets vaccinated, and there’s still a risk of becoming infected with an HPV type that the vaccination doesn’t cover. Early epigenetic events associated with HPV infection are still mysterious, so researchers in the United […]