uCoTarget Is a Single-Cell Multiomics Method for Multiple Histone ModificationsJanuary 17, 2024Everyone loves a bargain, and a new method called CoTarget really delivers. It’s a method that delivers single-cell multiomics data on multiple histone modifications and transcription factors, as well as the transcriptome. It can easily scale up to analyze a million single cells, and unlike similar methods, it doesn’t require microfluidic devices or special transposon […]
SSSavi: Savvy Epigenome Editing with Diverse, Orderly TeamsDecember 12, 2023Bringing in the right combination of people with different perspectives and abilities can take a team to new heights. And just like that savvy diverse team, a new epigenome editing tool called the Spy-Snoop-Sun-Avi (SSSavi) system recruits diverse effector molecules in an interchangeable and orderly way to understand how combinations of DNA and histone modifications […]
Long Non-coding RNAs Conduct a Synaptic Symphony to Orchestrate Fear Extinction MemoryDecember 12, 2023Most epigenetic studies are music to our ears, but do you prefer “The Rolling Histones,” “Run-5mC,” or something more classical while working in the lab? Well, move over rock and hip-hop, as an epigenetic masterpiece now describes how a long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA) epigenetically conducts a synaptic symphony to “orchestrate” fear extinction memory. Previous pleasant-sounding […]
DNA Methylation Analysis Shows How Cannabis Exposure Increases the Risk of Adverse Health OutcomesDecember 11, 2023Do not risk missing a new paper describing a recent trans-ancestry epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) highlighting the significant health risks of recreational cannabis! In a fascinating new study, researchers now reveal that cannabis exposure can impact DNA methylation levels at specific regions independent of cigarette smoking to increase the risk of adverse health outcomes. Risk-averse […]
Messing Up Methylation: Formaldehyde is a Targeted Bull in a China Shop November 27, 2023Just like a bull in a china shop, formaldehyde (FA) was thought to damage almost everything it bumped into. But new research shows that it’s a lot more targeted, and it really likes proteins involved in DNA methylation. Sure, FA can preserve brains in jars, but it’s most often used in consumer products like glues and […]