The Epigenetics of Organ TransplantationJanuary 31, 2013Dr. Daniel Salomon discusses the state of organ transplants, what obstacles exist, and how epigenetics might be central to improving long-term health in patients. The Challenges in Transplantation My background is in transplantation medicine, transplantation immunology. And my interests are to change the way we manage patients. There’s a huge series of challenges right […]
miRNAs that Bind Coding Sequences are Specialized for Inhibiting TranslationJanuary 28, 2013We all have our specialties—maybe yours is in histone modifications or maybe you can name every American Idol winner. In any case, miRNAs have some specialization too. Researchers now say that they’ve figured out what miRNAs that bind within the CDS, or coding sequence, of an mRNA do—they specialize in inhibiting translation. Most studies talk […]
MBD-SNP Analysis Shows that Prostate Cancer is PersonalJanuary 28, 2013These days, everyone wants to stand out. Just look at Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj—in fact, you can’t not look at them. It turns out that metastatic prostate cancer tumors also stand out from patient to patient, as long as you know where to look. A team of Johns Hopkins researchers used methyl-binding enrichment and […]
Top Epigenetics and Non-Coding RNA Conferences for MarchJanuary 23, 2013Although it’s warm and sunny at EpiGenie’s headquarters, we know that most of the northern hemisphere is counting the days to spring. Researchers hungry for great epigenetics and ncRNA conferences also have a lot to look forward to with an impressive line up of conference options kicking off in March. We’ve been paralyzed trying to […]
DNA Methylation Map Based on Data from 82 Human Cell Lines and TissuesJanuary 21, 2013Christmas has come and gone, but the ENCODE Project is the gift that keeps on giving. Using samples and data from ENCODE (in combo with their own data), researchers have come up with a single-base resolution map of DNA methylation across 82 human cell lines and tissues, including many cancers. With the ever increasing DNA methylation data […]