Multi-Contact 4C (MC-4C): Nanopore Sequencing Captures Multi-Way Chromosome Conformations of Single-AllelesAugust 7, 2018While chromosomes have been captured in promiscuous situations before, a tiny spying device of the genomic variety has captured chromosomes in some of their most intimate conformations. By applying Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) MinION portable sequencer to the study of chromosome contacts, the labs of Wouter de Laat and Jeroen de Ridder at Utrecht University […]
Separating Cellular Best Buddies to Understand Epigenetic Dysregulation in Alzheimer’s DiseaseAugust 6, 2018Much like Laurel and Hardy, Bert and Ernie, and Pinky and the Brain, neurons and glia are firm friends and are seldom encountered in isolation. The more numerous glia support and protect their neural chums, helping them to conduct nerve impulses; however, their close companionship and disparate numbers can lead to analytical problems! Research into […]
Chill Out with Dad: Sperm DNA Methylation Changes in Response to Paternal Cold ExposureJuly 31, 2018When you think of the ideal place to live, most of us yearn for the tropics. But it turns out there may be some extra benefits to living in a cold climate (and not just lower rent!). New research from an international collaboration led by the lab of Dr. Christian Wolfrum at ETH Zurich may […]
Epigenetic Teamwork Makes the Stem Cell Dream Work!July 30, 2018Many years before the beginning of the Common Era, the ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle first exclaimed that the “the whole is more than the sum of its parts”. Now, collaborative research led by Wei Li and Margaret A. Goodell (Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, USA) that sought to describe the interplay of epigenetic modifiers […]
Sweet Success! DNA Hydroxymethylation Link Between Diabetes and Cancer Discovered!July 25, 2018Patients with diabetes do not get a sweet deal; the long-term complications associated with high blood sugar levels include cardiovascular disease, stroke, eye damage, kidney disease, and foot ulcers. Additionally, diabetic patients suffer from a higher risk of developing cancer, although quite how prolonged high blood sugar levels drives genetic and/or epigenetic alterations towards tumorigenesis […]