New Analysis Combos Reveal More Gene Body DNA MethylationApril 10, 2009Hey, sometimes more really is, well, more. Lately in the sequencing arena, we’ve heard a lot about some really slick advances in targeted sample enrichment and other ways to sequence less real estate in exchange for more coverage and better data. Such enrichment methods should be equally useful to epigenetics as they are in current […]
Feel the Burn: Epigenetic Changes After Exercise Improve Stress ResponseApril 10, 2009At EpiGenie, we’ve been struggling to find the time and motivation for exercise since we misplaced those Tae Bo tapes. Sure the treadmill would work, but then we’d have to move all the clothes hanging on it. However, some recent work from researchers at the University of Bristol in the UK, caught our attention. The […]
DNA Methylation, the NIH Epigenomics Program, and What’s Next in EpigeneticsApril 1, 2009Joseph Francis Costello received his Ph.D. at Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois where he and his mentor, Dr. Russell Pieper discovered aberrant DNA methylation of the MGMT promoter in glioblastomas, which has since become the most widely used molecular marker to predict patient response to chemotherapy. In 1995, he became a postdoctoral fellow at the […]
Research Team Takes a Deep Dive into Chromosome 21 Promoter MethylationApril 1, 2009When it comes to knowledge about DNA methylation sites in the human genome, there’s no such thing as too much information. That’s why researchers in Germany have mapped DNA methylation sites on chromosome 21 in exquisite detail?with single base pair and single allele resolution. Their results are reported in the March 27, 2009 issue of […]
Inside the DNA Methylation-Chromatin TangoApril 1, 2009There has been a ton of interesting data on the relationship between DNA methylation, histone modifications, and transcriptional control in recent years. We love hearing about these advances at conferences, but die-hard chromatin biologists tend to rattle off histone modification combos that sound like a football quarterback about to take a snap “H3K27-trimethyl, K9, hike…,” […]