APOE Tips Heterochromatin Balance Towards Stem Cell Senescence and AgingApril 11, 2022Like a healthy balance between work and play can enhance our day-to-day lives, a new study suggests that stem cells require a healthy epigenetic balance between silent and active chromatin domains to support their ongoing normal functions. More specifically, researchers headed by the well-balanced quartet of Moshi Song, Weiqi Zhang, Jing Qu, and Guang-Hui Liu […]
Has Cannabis Gone Up in Smoke? – Study Links Use to Accelerated Epigenetic AgingMarch 31, 2022Like there is no smoke without fire, another study has linked cannabis use to unwanted epigenetic alterations. We’ve seen that cannabis exposure alters DNA methylation in prenatal mouse brains (influencing subsequent behavior), the sperm of rats and humans (priming an autism spectrum disorder-like profile), and human adult brains (impacting brain function), and now epigenetic aging […]
DNA Methylation Provides New Insight into the Missing Heritability of ALSMarch 31, 2022The devastating and fatal neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has an estimated heritability rate of around 50%, suggesting that a considerable portion of disease risk derives from environmental and lifestyle risk factors that can leave their mark on the epigenome. Can DNA methylation analysis provide new insight into the missing heritability of ALS? In […]
Welcome to the Jungle! N4-acetyldeoxycytosine is a Wild New DNA Modification Identified in Plants and Detected in HumansMarch 14, 2022It’s time to welcome a new DNA modification to the epigenetic jungle! A collection of more than seventeen modifications have been spotted in the wilds of genomic DNA; however, only the biological effects of the prevalent 5-methyldeoxycytosine (5mC) (and its oxidated family members), along with N6-methyldeoxyadenosine (6mA) have been explored in any depth. Do other […]
CUT&Tag Launches to the Final Frontier: Spatial Epigenomic Profiling of Histone ModificationsMarch 14, 2022Space: the final frontier – CUT&Tag has just voyaged where no next-generation sequencing method has gone before to bring forth spatially-resolved histone modification profiles of intact mouse tissues! An expeditionary force led by Rong Fan (Yale University) combined in situ cleavage under targets and tagmentation (CUT&Tag) chemistry, microfluidic deterministic barcoding, and next-generation sequencing to develop […]