The New Human Epigenome Browser from WashUFebruary 23, 2012Looking for the latest in epigenome data analysis tools? Then you’ll want to check out Washington University’s latest creation; The Human Epigenome Browser. Built as part of the Roadmap Epigenomics Project to house and view Human Epigenome Atlas data, this new platform comes with all sorts of slick features to make analyzing, comparing and integrating […]
So Emotional: HDAC6 Affects Mouse BehaviorFebruary 22, 2012We all have bad days every so often and if you’re like us, you chalk up that depression or anxiety to something like, a looming project deadline or insufficient sleep and caffeine. A new study though, shows that there might be an unlikely culprit behind those negative emotions, your histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) levels. Acetylation […]
Emerging Details On Monoallelic Silencing in TumorsFebruary 19, 2012It’s funny how research can pay off in surprising ways. In this case, University of Wisconsin scientists were studying the tumor suppressor gene APC when they realized there was an unusual brand of monoallelic silencing going on. Earlier studies have found that many early adenomas begin with the loss of function of the Adenomatous polyposis […]
Cells Socialize via miRNAs to Protect Against AtherosclerosisFebruary 16, 2012Nowadays, there are ton of ways to talk to your friends—phone, text, email, Facebook, Twitter, Skype…Now, an international team of researchers add to the growing literature showing that cells can talk to each other by sending out vesicles with miRNAs in them. This time, the cells are inside blood vessels, and the message is to […]
Master Your Bromodomain with Cayman Chemical’s BRD Assay KitsFebruary 10, 2012Bromodomains have had screening groups in their pocket ever since emerging as an attractive drug target. It’s been much easier for researchers to get excited about this class than it has for them to find potent and selective inhibitors of these closely related domains…until now. Cayman Chemical has developed a robust in vitro system for […]