Bivalent PREs Protected by Perfect TimingMarch 21, 2012There’s no substitute for good timing. It’s a trait that can keep you out of a dangerous situation, or make you look good on the dance floor. But for cells it’s also critical for maintaining epigenetic states during replication. Italian researchers at the IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation recently identified a critical time window right before […]
Webinar: Global and Locus-Specific 5-hmC DetectionMarch 21, 2012New England Biolabs is hosting a free webinar titled: Global and locus specific 5-hydroxymethylcytosine detection and quantification Tues. March, 27th 2012 at 9am PDT It will discuss simple and quick enzymatic methods for global, as well as sequence-specific, determination of both DNA modifications throughout various genomes. T4 phage B-glucosyltransferase has emerged as the enzyme of […]
Nutritional Epigenetics: Eating For Two (Generations)March 20, 2012A new study on pigs (used as models for humans) suggests that what you eat could affect your grandchildren much later on. Pigs who ate a special “methyl” diet had “grandpigs” with different DNA methylation and gene expression patterns than the DNA methylation patterns in the control group. Sure, the findings could help researchers build […]
BrdU Kicks Out DNA Methylation and Kicks Off Stem Cell DifferentiationMarch 7, 2012For many things in life, convenience comes at a cost. Like living in a great city with everything at your doorstep, but the rents are sky-high. A new report says that the use of BrdU, a popular tool for detecting replicating cells (such as neural stem cells in the brain), also comes with a cost, […]
3.7M CpGs Await with Improved Methyl-Seq Target EnrichmentMarch 3, 2012March 3, 2012 Instead of sequencing (and paying for, managing, storing, and analyzing) everything, target enrichment blazes through samples like a combine, harvesting for regions of interest. Even as sequencing costs drop towards that “$1,000 genome” level, enriching for select targets makes a lot of sense, especially if you only want to look at a […]