Paired-Tag Pairs Up ChIP-Seq and RNA-Seq for Single-Cell MultiomicsMarch 2, 2021With Valentines day just behind us, a new genome-wide assay has reinforced the perks of pairing up for single-cells. While multiomic methods have been gaining momentum, it has been tricky for researchers to play matchmaker with ChIP-seq at the single-cell level. To meet this challenge, the lab of Bing Ren at the University of California […]
dCas9-dMSK1 Provides the Potent Power of Programmable Histone PhosphorylationFebruary 20, 2021Time to move over histone methylation, the potent activating power of programmable histone phosphorylation joins the dCas9 epigenome editing toolbox and shows how it takes histone acetylation along for the ride. A rather active team of researchers led by Isaac B. Hilton (Rice University, Houston, TX, USA) knew that phosphorylation represents one of the most […]
Stat3 is a Mitochondrial Mastermind Behind Metabolic Control of DNA Methylation in Naïve Stem CellsFebruary 15, 2021We’ve seen that mitochondria can modify nuclear DNA methylation, but until recently, the identities of the masterminds behind how the powerhouse of the cell can affect epigenetic change in the nucleus have remained classified. Although Stat3 is most notably recruited by LIF to activate the pluripotency gene network in the nucleus, we also know that LIF […]
It Takes Two to Tango: Histone Serotonylation Partners with H3K4me3 to Regulate Gene ExpressionFebruary 15, 2021While epigenetic research has often linked single histone modifications to transcriptional outputs, new research in neurons now shows that “it takes two to tango” and a little serotonin, classically known as a neurotransmitter, keeps the transcriptional tango going strong. Specifically, a free-stepping study that discovered histone serotonylation previously associated an adjacent enrichment of the lysine […]
Not Your Mother’s Mary-Jane: CBD Messes with the Prenatal Mouse Brain DNA MethylomeFebruary 8, 2021The times sure have changed since Woodstock ’69. Instead of having to hide their stash from the nearest authority figures, cannabis enthusiasts have been given the greenlight by the recent legalization of cannabis products across the globe. In fact, studies suggest that cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, can be helpful in treating anything […]