Epigenetics Before Sequencing with Dr. Steven HenikoffApril 4, 2012Dr. Steven Henikoff discusses interesting observations like chromosome puffs in polytene chromosomes back in the days before sequencing. This interview took place at the Keystone Symposia’s Epigenomics and Chromatin Dynamics joint meeting in January, 2012. Epigenetics Before Sequencing So when I was a graduate student you couldn’t do any of this stuff, right? It […]
Webinar: Uncover Epigenetic Signatures Faster using SureSelectXT Human Methyl-SeqApril 3, 2012Agilent Technologies presented a Webinar back in March titled: Uncover Epigenetic Signatures Faster using SureSelectXT Human Methyl-Seq SureSelect is the most complete, flexible and proven Target Enrichment platform for Next Generation Sequencing. This presentation highlights features of the new SureSelect SureSelectXT Human Methyl-Seq kit including: • Reduced bias compared to existing Methylation methods • Comprehensive […]
ChIP-String Ties Down Chromatin Regulator AnalysisMarch 22, 2012There are hundreds of chromatin regulators (CRs) out there, and yet we know so little about them other than that they control chromatin structure and function through interactions with histone mods. To help tie down the CR rules of engagement, some handy scientists developed the ChIP-string assay to provide a snapshot of several CRs in […]
Influenza Dodges Antiviral Response with Histone DisguiseMarch 22, 2012Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, they say. But instead of flattery, the influenza virus (and maybe many other viruses) imitates histones to make people sick. That kind of flattery we could do without. Researchers in NY and the U.K. discovered that influenza A (H3N2)—one of the strains that cause seasonal flu outbreaks—hijacks the […]
ChIP and Discs: Porvair’s Chromatrap® ChIP Kits Break through the NoiseMarch 22, 2012Over the last decade, the ChIP process has seen more enhancements than the Orange County Housewives. Improved antibodies, beads, and fine-tuned buffers—they’ve all ChIP’d in to take this useful method primetime in labs all over the globe. But there’s always room for improvement. Turning Up the Pull Down for Small Sample ChIP Some of the […]