Think Different – Alternatively Spliced Histone Variant Points to Epigenetic Control of Telomere LengtheningMarch 12, 2019While many prefer matters to be straightforward, some prefer to think “outside the box” and conjure up an alternative to the norm. Cancer cells are much the same; while most remain on the straight and narrow and employ the telomerase holoenzyme complex to maintain their telomeres, a significant fraction go their own way and use […]
EZH2 Gets a TAD Involved in CancerFebruary 26, 2019In the Venn diagram of epigenetics and cancer biology, EZH2 sits perfectly in the overlap. This methyltransferase is responsible for tri-methylation of lysine 27 on histone 3 (H3K27me3) but is also an oncogene, mutated in a variety ofhumancancers. H3K27me3 is a marker of inactive chromatin domains, specifically topologically associating domains (TADs), and has been linked to […]
Epigenetic Editing with CRISPR Keeps Crops Crisp in Today’s ClimateFebruary 25, 2019While the crisper drawer of our fridge is the best way to keep our produce fresh, epigenetic editing research now brings forth CRISPR-based manipulation of DNA methylation to keep our crops crisp. This tasty treat comes at you in the form of two new publications from the lab of Steven Jacobsen (UCLA), where the talented team expand […]
When Two Is Not Better Than One: Duplicitous Dipeptides Disrupt Heterochromatin to Promote NeurodegenerationFebruary 25, 2019While some protein aficionados may believe that the only thing better than one peptide is a dipeptide, a study from the lab of Leonard Petrucelli (Mayo Clinic, USA) recently established that the expansion of double-dealing dipeptide repeats promotes the development of neurodegenerative disease via the disruption of heterochromatin structure and function. The diseases in question, […]
Orange You Glad for Methylation’s Role in Fruit Ripening?February 12, 2019If you like to start your day with a glass of orange juice, you can thank epigenetics for that. More specifically, you can thank DNA methylation, since it’s been recently shown to play a crucial role in the ripening process of the sweet orange fruit. The collaborative efforts of Jian-Kang Zhu at Purdue University (Indiana, […]