Fine-Tuning mRNA Deliveries with Alternative PolyadenylationApril 28, 2009The US Post Office tried it a few years back when they added those four extra digits onto our zip codes, allowing advertisers to target us with SPAM with utmost precision. At EpiGenie, we too, are always looking for simpler ways to pass along targeted information (RSS feeds, telepathy etc.,) to an ever-increasing population of […]
Polycomb and Trithorax Proteins Dominating the In CrowdApril 23, 2009At EpiGenie, we do our best to keep up with the latest research trends in the epigenetics scene so we couldn’t help but notice that lately, the Polycomb (PcG) and Trithorax (TrxG) proteins are grabbing more headlines than Octa-Mom. Deservingly so, when you consider the critical role these developmental switchboards play in maintaining expression patterns […]
Mining the TranscriptomeApril 17, 2009As the herculean genome sequencing efforts closed in on a draft of the human genome sequence back in 2000, the estimated numbers of “genes” that comprised our genome dropped quicker than the market cap of the biotech heavy Nasdaq after Clinton/Blair announced the sequences of these little gems would reside in the public domain. Shortly […]
Genome Sequence Affects Heterochromatin SpreadingApril 17, 2009The establishment of heterochromatin is an important way for cells to repress transcription. Yet not much is known about the control of heterochromatin spreading into euchromatic domains. Therefore, researchers at Duke University used the Awesome Power of Yeast (Epi)Genetics to study how specific DNA sequences affect heterochromatin spreading. Their results are published in the April […]
Huh? miR-96 Tied to Hearing LossApril 17, 2009Over the years, mothers around the world have routinely warned their children of the imminent hearing loss resulting from too many Iron Maiden concerts, blasting Winger too loud on car stereos, or the permanently attached iPod earbuds that come standard with adolescents nowadays, but now we have scientific data to suggest our mothers and miR-96 […]