Extra-Coding RNAs (ecRNAs) Sculpt Dynamic DNA Methylation of the BrainJuly 18, 2016We’ve got our mind on methylation and methylation in our mind, but we are often left wondering how DNA methylation got there in the first place. Well, that cognitive tongue twister has now been cracked by a class of RNA that likes to interact with DNA methyltransferases. Extra coding RNAs (ecRNAs) originate from the sense […]
Hey Methylation, Thanks for the MemoriesJuly 18, 2016Memories; we all have some we would rather forget, and some that we will hold onto forever. But how exactly is memory formed and what are the biochemical pathways that are in play? Recent studies have indicated that RNA and DNA adenosine methylation are important for the conversion of experiences, both good and bad, into […]
Chromatrap®’s FFPE ChIP Kits Unlock Your Sample VaultJuly 18, 2016If you’re like many of the researchers we’ve met over the years, you’ve been hoarding some of your favorite Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) samples deep in the recesses of a nondescript lab freezer, just waiting to be investigated. We get it; traditionally FFPE samples have been successfully used to analyze RNA and DNA, but […]
Top Upcoming Epigenetics ConferencesJuly 14, 2016In today’s omic world databases are crucial, which is why always we keep our conference-ome up to date. Here’s a taste of what 2016 has left to offer for your next educational epigenetic excursion. EMBL’s Transcription and Chromatin (Heidelberg, Germany – Aug 27-30) Interested in transcription? Then this is the conference for you! This meeting […]
Top Upcoming Stem Cell ConferencesJuly 13, 2016Conferences are ideal places to hear insights from the leaders in your field, to watch the up-and-comers present their new and exciting visions, and to network with potential collaborators (i.e., drink and eat and have some fun!). To assist you with these endeavors, EpiGenie brings you the pick of the bunch: some of the most interesting stem […]