Are LncRNAs the Future of Non-Invasive Prostate Cancer Testing?October 9, 2014Prostate cancer is the leading cause of mortality in North-American men and as a result many are forced to the clinic for some rather invasive biopsies, but thanks to some cool epigenetics involving lncRNAs, those once dreaded trips to the doctor’s office may soon be replaced a much less invasive urine test. Ranjan Perera and crew […]
Maternal Care Causes Variation in Behavior and Gene Regulation in FemalesOctober 1, 2014Life experiences shape us in ways that are hard to imagine, whether it’s a catch-phrase from a favorite TV show slipping into our vocabulary ,or how much your mother licked you while you were child (We know that sounds weird for humans, but licking just happens to be a measure of maternal care in rodents). […]
MYC Sequestration Mitigates Cancer Risk in iPSC TherapiesSeptember 30, 2014Mention “sequestration” in the US and scientists cringe at the memories of past budget freezes. But recently, a talented team of researchers has put the term in a more positive light; by sequestering MYC proteins in iPSCs, they’ve helped mitigate cancer risks in regenerative medicine. Since their first development in 2006, induced pluripotent stem cells […]
Inheritance of Histone Mod Caught at Cell divisionSeptember 29, 2014Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance is one of our favorite topics, it’s done a great job of showing old school Mendelian inheritance who’s boss by creating the molecular complexity of complex traits. With phenotypes and exposures aplenty, the one thing that has been missing is catching the inheritance of an acquired epigenetic mark in the act. And that’s just what a […]
Transcription Factor Networking Predicts Histone ModsSeptember 22, 2014Computational networking is all the rage, not only can it help you keep track of your friends and colleagues but it can also reveal a surprising amount of information behind the regulation of gene expression. Now a computationally cutting edge team from the University of Edinburgh have found out how to use transcription factor binding patterns […]