Grabbing Histones By The TailSeptember 15, 2010For those old-school scientists who are still using erector sets and Lincoln logs to model the interactions between histone tails and proteins, we’ve found a new interactive tool that’ll bring your histone analysis into the 21st century. A team from the Structural Genomics Consortium (a collaboration between the University of Oxford and the University of […]
In the Dark Lanes of the Library, Beware of miRNA Sequencing BiasSeptember 9, 2010Advanced sequencing techniques have enabled the characterization and discovery of miRNAs to explode like an Icelandic volcano. But no matter how fancy your sequencing box is, the quality of your data still relies on the strength of your miRNA library preparation protocol. A group of curious scientists from the Beijing Genomics Institute and the Chinese […]
Polymerase Furiosus Over Lack of Credit in Bisulfite SequencingSeptember 1, 2010At EpiGenie, we try to call attention not just to the big names in the field that nab most of the limelight, but also to the folks busting their pipettes day and night for new discoveries. So why not give a shout out to a workhorse in the most widely used method for methylation analysis, […]
Silencing of Ultraconserved ncRNAs Is Not So Golden in CancerAugust 31, 2010If you live near a construction site, are listening to one half of a cell-phone conversation in a movie theater, or stuck on an airliner next to a fussy infant, then for you silence may indeed be golden. But, for certain ultraconserved non-coding RNAs, transcriptional silencing can lead to a cellular uproar. A new article […]
DNA Methylation States Mix and Mingle on the Nuclear Dance FloorAugust 31, 2010Remember those lame junior high dances, where most of us stood silently and uncomfortably against the gym wall, watching our wilder classmates rock out to Bon Jovi on the dance floor? Some researchers think that methylated and unmethylated promoters in tumors segregate themselves in the same way: silenced genes gather in heterochromatin at the nuclear […]