Coffee Gets Your Baby’s Heart Going…the Wrong WayNovember 13, 2014There’s no denying the power of coffee, it seems that without it humanity wouldn’t have the concentration or energy needed to tackle the complexities of the epigenome. But as researchers from the University of Florida show, with consumption comes responsibility and a molecule powerful enough to help you complete the 180 from bed to breakfast, may […]
A New Methylation Signature: CpG Ravines as a CpG Island Sub-TypeNovember 13, 2014Islands and shores are always on the mind at this time of the year, but just because winter is coming doesn’t mean we need to put the rest of the CpGenome on the shelf. CpG Shores might be the regulatory master of CpG Islands but new features keep emerging, like CpG Canyons, and now a new sub-type of CpG Islands is coming […]
In the Epitranscriptome Clusters of Co-Methylation Define m6A’s FunctionNovember 13, 2014Lately, at the EpiGenie HQ, we’ve had our mind on methylation and our money on RNA. Not just limited to DNA or Cytosine, we’ve seen that N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is a highly dynamic mark in RNA that has a critical role in stem cell differentiation. Now researchers from the Northwestern Polytechnical University in China have set out to find how m6A dynamics work on […]
A Little Negativity Can Go a Long Way with Protein-Based Genome EditingNovember 12, 2014In today’s culture negativity is usually frowned upon; maintaining a positive outlook is almost essential to a successful scientific career, but an innovative team of researchers have put some negativity to good use in improving transfection of genome editing complexes using negatively charged proteins and nucleic acid transfection reagents. Conventional protein-based therapeutics usually focus on […]
Breaking Barriers: Cloning Made Easier by Erasing Epigenetic MarksNovember 5, 2014If Star Wars is anything to go by, cloning techniques of the future will be able to create a whole army of clones in the blink of an eye. Yet, back on planet Earth, the cloning of today is still relatively inefficient. A new study published in Cell identifies an important epigenetic road block in […]