miR-200a Takes Down Cancerous Stem-like TransitionDecember 15, 2010There’s been a deafening buzz lately surrounding a new focus of epigeneticists known as the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). EMT, the gateway between normal epithelial cells and those that gain mesenchymal properties, is thought to be the point where cancer metastasis kicks off. And now a University of Hong Kong team, led by Hongping Xia reports […]
SILAC Offers a New Twist on Histone TurnoverDecember 15, 2010A new technique has arrived on the scene that makes life a little easier for those of you into studying histone turnover rates. Taking advantage of technologies used by our friends in proteomics, researchers at Princeton University explored the turnover of various histone proteins and how post-translational modifications (PTMs) alter the speed of that process. […]
Enriching 5-hmC Detection with SugarDecember 15, 2010In today’s more health conscious world, we’ve seen a surge in organic-everything. Enriching anything with sugar is a definite no-no. Good thing researchers play by their own rules. A University of Chicago research team led by Chuan He recently enriched the latest entrant to DNA methylation marks, 5-hmC, by enriching with glucose in a really […]
Naughty and Nice ChIP AntibodiesDecember 9, 2010With Santa’s yearly gift giving spree fast approaching, kids everywhere are on their best behavior to avoid ending up on the “naughty list.” A consortium of chromatin researchers found out which ChIP antibodies are naughty or nice, by testing a ton of commercial antibodies raised against 3 histones with 57 different modifications in flies, worms, […]
CpGenome™ Turbo Bisulfite Modification Kit: The Fastest Route from C to UDecember 2, 2010You don’t always need to take shortcuts to get where you need to be faster. Thanks to the CpGenome™ Turbo Bisulfite Modification Kit from Millipore, now you can get from C to U with your bisulfite conversion reactions faster than ever. Just think of what you’ll do with that extra time you’ll save. Bisufite Conversion […]