Epigenetic Silencing of the Y-chromosome Controls the Extent of Male ToxicityDecember 7, 2020While “toxic masculinity” may seem intimately linked to the human species, the fruit fly Drosophila has come to show us that their Y-chromosome acts as a source of genomic male “toxicity” that epigenetic silencing keeps in check. Specifically, we know that the formation of silent heterochromatin domains during development represses the activity of transposable elements […]
Histone Methylation Takes Center Stage in the Genetic Tale of Transgenerational Epigenetic InheritanceDecember 4, 2020While DNA methylation and distinct RNA species have hogged the limelight in the ongoing tale of paternal epigenetic inheritance, a genetic mouse model now casts histone methylation as a leading player in this gripping transgenerational story. A previous study led by Sarah Kimmins (McGill University, Montreal, Canada) found that reduced H3 lysine 4 dimethylation (H3K4me2) in […]
The Powerhouse Of The Cell Is At It Again! Mighty Mitochondria Modify DNA Methylation and MortalityNovember 24, 2020If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. Adding to this prowess is a new finding showing that the amount of mitochondrial DNA impacts nuclear DNA methylation and gene expression, ultimately influencing mortality and cardiovascular disease. While we’ve seen how mutant mitochondria can influence histone […]
How I Met Your Mother: DNMT3A from Mom Leaves its Mark on Dad’s Genome in the Early EmbryoNovember 24, 2020While stories of Mom meeting Dad often leave their mark on a family, and sometimes a nation, the plot has now thickened thanks to new findings showing that Mom’s DNMT3A leaves its mark on Dad’s genome in the early embryo. DNA methylation in the male germline undergoes massive changes during preimplantation. High paternal DNA methylation […]
No Biopsy? No Problem! – Detecting Pancreatic Cancer from Cell-Free DNA 5hmC ProfilingNovember 13, 2020Want to detect the development of pancreatic cancer and improve patient outcomes but don’t have any tissue biopsies? An exciting new epigenetics study that employed liquid biopsies to detect 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) on circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) to allow the early detection of pancreatic cancer now says: “No Problem!” Researchers at Bluestar Genomics (San Diego, CA, USA), […]