At Risk of Autistic Offspring? Sperm DNA Methylation May Hold the AnswerApril 23, 2015Finding the origin of complex disease is no easy task but now it seems a seminal breakthrough has occurred. Andrew Feinberg and team at the John Hopkins University Center for Epigenetics have found a DNA methylation pattern in the sperm of fathers with an increased risk of fathering autistic children that is also present in brains […]
The Differentiation Race: Not all Cells Move at the Same SpeedApril 21, 2015Christoph Bock discusses his recent paper ‘Single-Cell DNA Methylome Sequencing and Bioinformatic Inference of Epigenomic Cell-State Dynamics‘ published in Cell Reports. Epigenetic Regulation of Cell States In this first section Christoph tells us why he is interested in studying the epigenetic regulation of cell states and how his new method helps to look at the epigenetics of […]
Mass-tering the Stem Cell Reprogramming ProcessApril 15, 2015Chaotic, uncoordinated, and seemingly without rhyme or reason…no, it’s not the daily stampede towards the barista for your first coffee of the day; rather it’s the words used to describe the early stochastic phases of reprogramming differentiated cells into induced pluripotent stem cells. To bring a little order to the chaos, researchers from the laboratory […]
CRISPR Goes Back to its Roots to Fight HIVApril 14, 2015All the cool techniques people are developing with CRISPR-Cas9 are great and all, but sometimes a repurposed natural genetic system just has to go back to its roots. If CRISPR was originally a virus defense system in bacteria, why not forget about all this genome engineering whatnot for a minute and just use it to […]
Young Mitochondria Maintain Stem Cell Self-renewalApril 14, 2015For many commuters, good maintenance may make the difference between getting to work on time or waiting in the cold to be rescued from the roadside at 8:00 in the morning. Like any vehicle, a cell is a well-oiled machine with many parts that are continuously replaced or repaired to ensure durability. Now, new research […]