Hypomethylated DNA Repeats Surface in Damaged HeartsOctober 9, 2012Repetition may help the brain learn, but it can be rough on the heart. Researchers in Cambridge, U.K. have found that DNA repeats in damaged hearts are hypomethylated, and that’s associated with increased transcription. In research they published last year, the team did the first whole-genome analysis of differential DNA methylation in so-called “end-stage cardiomyopathic […]
Conserved DNA Methylation Changes from Early Childhood ExperiencesOctober 9, 2012Our brains might not recall our early years, but increasing evidence supports that our methylomes just might. A few studies have shown that cuddles from mama rats—or a lack thereof—are known to affect their offspring’s long-term health and behavior by changing the brain’s DNA methylation patterns over a large scale. Now, a Canadian research effort […]
Bisulfite Sequencing and RRBS Get a MakeoverOctober 4, 2012As we head into fall in the northern hemi, the air gets a bit lighter, the leaves change, and improved ways to approach Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS), histone modification characterization, and bisulfite sequencing mapping emerge. Check out these three new techniques featured by our friends over at BMC in the latest issue of Genome Biology that may just […]
New Apps: Interactive Epigenomic Data Browser and DNAm Data ToolkitsOctober 4, 2012Apple may have bombed their latest Maps integration, but the Epigenome mapping consortia out there are making it look easy by pumping out datasets by the server full. So it only makes sense that there needs to be robust software to help researchers make sense of it all. Two new papers in Genome Biology offer […]
Webinar: Early Life Determinants of Mental Health – Epigenomic Mechanisms with Dr. Patrick McGowanOctober 3, 2012Dr. Patrick McGowan discusses the impact early-life events can have on our epigenomes in this recorded webinar. This webinar is brought to you with support from Porvair Filtration Group. Check out their line of innovative ChIP kits and reagents at chromatrap.com Abstract Human epidemiological studies and studies of animal models provide many examples by which […]